Upcoming Events

 Sara Swanson

Women’s All-Chocolate Potluck!

1-30-2015 UPDATE: The potluck location has been moved from the United Methodist Church to Emanuel Church on Main Street.  The Manchester Ladies Society is hosting the second annual Women’s All-Chocolate Potluck on Saturday, January 31, at 1pm at the Manchester United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. The potluck is for all of the women in the […]

 Sara Swanson

Farmers Market Event Planning Drop-In Discussion THIS FRIDAY

  Do you have any ideas for events, activities, entertainment, etc. you’d like to see at the Farmers Market this summer? Would you like to volunteer to do a demo or organize an event? Then drop by the Village Room  (lower level, 912 City Road) between 10am and noon this Friday, January 16 to help plan music, […]

 Fritz Swanson

Manchester Non-Profits Invited to Attend Second Community Roundtable

The Community Resource Center will be hosting a second Manchester Area Non-Profits Roundtable in the Village Room, 912 City Road (lower level of the Manchester District Library) on Tuesday, January 13th at 7:00pm. A previous roundtable was held last September, but was not fully attended. The CRC is hoping to have representatives from all area non-profits this […]

 Fritz Swanson

Craft Beers Talk at Manchester District Library, January 17th

Calling All Beer Lovers! Come to the library Saturday, Jan. 17th at 1:00 pm to learn about the rich history of Michigan craft beer. Guest speaker Cowboy Doug Tetmeyer will present this 1 hour program in the Village Room. No registration needed. Sadly there will be no tasting at the event. But lots of learning! Craft brewing […]

 Sara Swanson

Ice Skating in the Park this Saturday!

Come to Chi Bro Park this Saturday, January 17, from 3 to 7 pm for ice skating, hot dogs and hot chocolate. This FREE event is put on by the Manchester Mens Club every January. If the weather is not cooperative the alternative date is Jan 24th. Email info@manchestermensclub.com, checkout their website or Facebook page for more information.

 Sara Swanson

Pancakes at the Library!

Visit the library for a FREE pancake brunch this Saturday, January 10. A discussion on the importance of eating breakfast will be followed by hands-on cooking and lip-smacking eating! There is no fee for the program, but registration is required no later than Wednesday, January 7. Call 428-8045 or stop in at the library to register.

 Fritz Swanson

Christmas at St Mary Church

by Janet Shurtliff, on behalf of Fr. Bosco and the people of St. Mary Roman Catholic Church, Manchester, MI   ********************************** Christmas Church Services at St. Mary Manchester;  Sacred liturgies for the Nativity of the Lord: Christmas Eve Mass at 5:00 pm Midnight Mass at Midnight Mass on Christmas morning at 10:00 am ************************************ Perhaps the pollsters would […]

 Fritz Swanson

Community Classes at the Manchester Wellness Center to Begin in the New Year

Yoga and Zumba classes will begin at the Manchester Wellness Center this January, 2015. Each 6 week class will cost $42.

 Sara Swanson

Winter Clothing Drive Wraps Up December 17

 Sara Swanson

Toys for Tots Collection Continues

The Manchester Township Fire Department and the Dutchmen Firefighters Association are continuing to collect toys for the Toys for Tots campaign. All the toys collected will be distributed to Manchester area children. For those wishing to donate toys, the following drop off locations are available: Manchester True Value Hardware, Ash Auto, Manchester District Library, Manchester […]