Home Tour to Feature a Variety of Country Venues
Manchester’s fifth annual Christmas Home tour will once again charm, delight, and inspire area decorators with five beautiful homes, this year centering in the Sharon and Freedom township areas. Save the first Saturday of December, Dec. 6 to see five families open their homes to benefit Manchester’s Main Street Christmas decorations fund. A unique treat […]
Book Group to Discuss YA Mystery Chasing Vermeer
by Anne Buckalew Manchester District Library hosts a Book Discussion on the fourth Wednesday of every month. Whether you have been faithfully attending discussions for years, drop in occasionally or only come to one meeting because the book is something you need to share with others, everyone is welcome to participate. The November choice, Chasing Vermeer by Blue […]
Kids Craft Make-and-Take at Christmas in the Village
The Manchester Ladies Society will be offering a FREE holiday ornament make–and-take for kids at the St. Mary’s Parish Center craft show on Saturday, November 22nd during Christmas in the Village from 9am-5pm (or until supplies run out). Stop by with your children and create something fun!
Christmas in the Village 2014 – Lighted Parade, Craft Shows
With Halloween behind us and Thanksgiving just around the corner, it’s almost time for another traditional Manchester downtown event, Christmas in the Village! The holiday fun will kick off on Friday, Nov. 21, with a nighttime, lighted parade and Santa greeting kids on the Mill porch. The next day, Saturday, Nov. 22 will be a […]
MHS Flag Corps to Fundraise with “Glow Show”
As Christmas in the Village festivities come to an end on Saturday, November 22, there will be a unique entertainment option right here in the Village. At 7pm the Manchester High School Flag Corps will be putting on their 5th annual “Glow Show” in the High School auditorium. Both a fundraiser and a performance, the flag […]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will Seek Public Input on Proposed Pipeline at Upcoming Meeting
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will be holding a meeting to discuss the proposed Rover Pipeline project proposed to run through the Manchester Area. The meeting will be on Thursday, Nov. 20, at 6 p.m. at the George Prinzing Auditorium, 500 Washington St. in Chelsea. Officials will be on hand to take questions and hear opinions from the public. State […]