Upcoming Events

 Sara Swanson

Upcoming Blood Drive – May 19

On Monday, May 19, Manchester Community Blood Drives will hold Manchester’s May blood drive at St. Mary’s Parish Center, from 1pm until 6:45pm. Walk-in donors will be accommodated, but Red Cross prefers donors schedule appointments. Please call Marja Warner at 428-9506 to make your appointment to donate. The goal for this month is 50 pints. March’s blood […]

 Sara Swanson

Farmers Market Starting Up This Week

The Manchester Farmers Market is set to open for the season this Thursday, May 8 from 4-8pm. It will be operating in the same location as previous years on Adrian street. Like last year, all produce for sale will be grown within 100 miles of Manchester, in Michigan and the market will run through the […]

 News News

Safe Routes to School Sponsors 2 Bike Events: Bike Rodeo and Upcoming Bike to School Day

Despite the extreme cold and wind, the morning of April 26, families braved the weather to participate in Manchester’s Safe Routes to School first bicycle rodeo. The children learned different safety skills at skill stations set up for the morning’s event. The Ann Arbor Bicycle Touring Society gave each child a new bike helmet, Aberdeen Bike […]

 News News

Welcome Warm Weather With Charity and BBQ

by Ben Knauss of the Men’s Club Spring is finally here and the return of community outdoor events. Manchester Men’s Club is kicking off the season with its annual Ribs and Blues event on Saturday, May 17 from 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at Carr Park on West Main Street in Manchester. This year’s event will feature […]

 News News

Celebrity Server Night – Tuesday, May 6th

Come on out and support the Manchester Community Schools Foundation (MCSF) this Tuesday night, May 6th.  The “celebrities” are, of course, our local teachers and principals!!  Each of them is dedicating their time to raise funds for the MCSF.  Please be generous if you are able; 100% of the funds generated from tips benefit our children […]

 News News

Kiwanis Club to Launch 48th Annual River Raisin Canoe and Kayak Race

by Cindy Kenney of Kiwanis of Manchester The 48th annual River Raisin Canoe and Kayak Race, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Manchester, is set for Sunday May 18th.  This eleven class race begins at noon at the Fellows Bridge on Sharon Valley Road and ends at the bridge in the Village of Manchester.   Race categories […]

 Sara Swanson

9th Annual High School Art Show Set for May 10

  by Anne Buckalew Held each Spring at the Manchester District Library, the first Annual Manchester High School Student Art Show was an event imagined and sponsored by Riverfolk whose mission is “to engage the community in music and arts experiences which nurture creativity and promote cultural diversity”.  Now in its ninth year, the show has become […]

 News News

Riverfolk Raising Money for Matching Funds Grant with Silent Auction and Party

Manchester’s Riverfolk Music and Arts Organization has been selected as one of 50 nonprofit organizations in Washtenaw County to participate in a 24 hour fundraising opportunity called Give Local Ann Arbor Area. It’s a national day of giving that, in our area, is organized by the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation (AAACF). Their mission is […]

 News News

Detroit Lions vs Manchester Faculty and Staff basketball game May 2nd @7 PM.

Do not miss this event! Get your tickets and bring the whole family for a fun night at Manchester High School. The Detroit Lions will play basketball against the Manchester Community Schools celebrities. Here’s a hint…it’s not really all about basketball. It’s all about the kids. Tickets are just $10 per person and are available […]

 News News

Manchester Middle School 2nd Annual 5K Walk/Run

Registration is open for the upcoming May 8th, 5K Walk/Run. The 5K will start at 3:30pm at the Manchester Middle School playground at 710 E. Main Street, as well as finish there. Students, parents, and friends are all welcome to register and participate. The route consists entirely of sidewalks. This 5K is a fundraiser for […]