Upcoming Events

 News News

National Agriculture Week March 23 – March 29

County-wide events planned to celebrate National Agriculture Week and enter a contest to win a free lunch for 12 from Zingerman’s Roadhouse!   Washtenaw County Farm Bureau (WCFB) and area Future Farmers of America (FFA) programs will join countless other organizations across the country to celebrate agriculture’s important role in daily life as part of […]

 Sara Swanson

First Steps Has High Hopes Pasta Dinner and Silent Auction will Fund Program for Another Year

Manchester First Steps’ 3rd annual Pasta Dinner and Silent Auction is just around the corner. In fact, tickets are on sale now for this huge fundraiser happening on Saturday, March 29 at the High School Commons. Doors will open at 4:30pm and a pasta dinner, catered by Classic Catering of Frank’s Place, will be served […]

 News News

Klager Hosts Math and Science Night this Friday

  The Klager PTO and the Manchester Wellness Coalition will be presenting Math and Science Night at Klager Elementary, this Friday at 6pm. Each classroom will be a “laboratory” hosting science demonstration and hands-on activities.  What makes a good paper airplane?  What kind of genes does a strawberry have?  How do you know if you […]

 News News

MCS Foundation Trivia Night Rescheduled to Saturday, March 22nd – Be There!

 News News

11th Annual CRC Fundraiser Golf Outing Scheduled – Save The Date!

The 11th annual Community Resource Center and Manchester Chamber of Commerce Fundraiser Golf Outing has been scheduled for Saturday, June 7th. Registration, sponsorship and volunteer information will be shared when it becomes available.  For more information, contact the CRC or check their website.

 News News

Middle School PTSA Hosts Olweus Bullying Prevention Workshop

The Manchester School District and the Middle School Parent Teacher Student Association are hosting an informational workshop on the Olweus Bully Prevention Program that is being implemented at the middle school.  This workshop will be happening in conjunction with the normal PTSA monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 1 @ 5:30pm. If you are unable to […]

 News News

Upcoming MHS Band and Choir Events and Festival Info

The District Festival will be hosted at Manchester High School on March 13th, 14th and 15th.  The Manchester 7th and 8th Grade Band and the Manchester High School Concert Band will perform three selections for the festival, as well as give the audience a chance to watch the sight reading process.  Mr. Ed Schoendorff and Mr. William […]

 News News

Local Group Walks Begin Monday March 17th – Join, Walk, Win Prizes!


 News News

Join the St. Paddy’s Day Walk

Join the Manchester Wellness Center in a 1 mile walk on St. Paddy’s day to start your lucky day off right! This event is open to anyone, and all participants will be eligible for prizes!

 News News

Tables Available for March 22 Mom-2-Mom Sale

There will be a Mom 2 Mom sale on Saturday, March 22, 2014 at the St. Mary’s Parish Center.  There are still tables available.  Contact Amy or Marie for more information.