Upcoming Events

 Sara Swanson

Preschool Story Time continues this winter

submitted by Quintessa Gallinat, Manchester District Library Story Time at the Manchester District Library continues through the winter with special guest readers and fun projects. Recommended for preschool-age children with an accompanying adult. Stop by the library or visit the event calendar for information about this and other great programs for all ages at the MDL. Questions? […]

 Sara Swanson

Help Millie’s Coffeehouse keep veterans warm this winter

by Sara Swanson Millie’s Coffeehouse, located at 227 East Main St, is collecting winter-wear donations for veterans from now into December. They are collecting new (or gently used AND CLEAN) outerwear — coats, hats (preferably new), gloves, scarves, sweaters, sweatshirts, pants, socks, boots, shoes, and blankets (new only). Donations can be left in the box […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Chili Cook-off a fundraiser for preschool

submitted by Stephanie Little, MCP Director/Teacher The Manchester Cooperative Preschool is proud to share that they are hosting their annual Chili Cook-off this year during Christmas in the Village weekend. Join them at the River Raisin Distillery (located at 480 W Main St in Manchester) on December 2 from 5 to 8pm. The event is […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Free dinner at Emanuel this Wednesday

submitted by Emanuel United Church of Christ With the help of Emanuel UCC’s own amazing cook, Dawna Stockwell, the church will be serving pulled pork, mac ’n’ cheese, a vegetable, and desserts from the kitchens of our Emanuel members. This dinner is free to everyone! This Wednesday, November 15, starting at 4:30pm, dine-in and carry-out […]

 Sara Swanson

Fill-a-Bag-for-$5 Book Sale

submitted by Brenda Bancroft, Book Sale Coordinator for the Friends of the Library The Friends of the Manchester District Library is hosting a large Used Book Sale on Saturday, November 18, from 10am to 2pm at the Village Room. The Village Room is located on the lower level and can be accessed from the rear […]

 Sara Swanson

Natural Health make-and-take

submitted by Quintessa Gallinat, Manchester District Library Dr. Nia Aguirre, Naturopathic Doctor and Medicinal Herbalist, will share natural ways to be your healthiest self. This make-and-take clinic will be held on Monday, November 20, at 6pm in the library’s upstairs lounge. All ages are welcome. Advance registration is requested. Sign up at the circulation desk, […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Blacksmith Shop Concert Series continues with Rochelle Clark & The Familiars

submitted by Manchester Area Historical Society A renowned Michigan singer-songwriter with a singular powerful and expressive voice, Rochelle Clark has been captivating audiences throughout the state and the Midwest for years, initially as part of the acclaimed Americana duo The Potter’s Field and, more recently, as a solo performer. Drawing on her roots in folk, […]

 Sara Swanson

Participate in the Christmas in the Village lighted parade!

by Sara Swanson Do you like participating in parades? It’s time to plan your float, decorated vehicle, or group to walk with for the 2023 Christmas in the Village lighted parade on Friday, December 1. Participants should meet to line up in Emanuel’s parking lot located at 324 West Main St at 6pm. The parade will […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Klager sets Vets Day recognition

Join the Klager Kids on Friday morning in their annual event honoring Manchester’s veterans! All are welcome.

 Sara Swanson

Don’t be alone on Thanksgiving! Chelsea Hospital holding free Thanksgiving meal.

by Sara Swanson Are you going to be alone on Thanksgiving? Nobody should have to spend it alone and that is why Chelsea Hospital is holding a free Thanksgiving meal for those in the community, including residents of Manchester, who are alone or cannot afford one. This will be held in the Chelsea Hospital dining […]

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