
 Sara Swanson

Snow Ice Cream

For my kids, snow ice cream is associated as closely with snowy days as hot chocolate is. The most important ingredient for snow ice cream is a large amount of new-fallen snow. Thanks to this Saturday’s weather, and to the delight of my kids, we had more than enough to make it this weekend! The snow […]

 News News

Not-So-Secret-Anymore Cheesecake Recipe

This cheesecake recipe was chosen as the best from all submitted entries during a Detroit radio contest back in 1999.  I still use this recipe with fantastic results.    Ingredients:  PART ONE: 3 8-ounce bricks of Philadelphia Cream Cheese (Let it sit out to soften) 4 egg whites 1 cup of sugar 1 teaspoon of […]

 Sara Swanson

Thanksgiving Storybooks to Check Out From the Manchester District Library

Thanksgiving is a time for family traditions and we have them just like every other family.  One of our traditions is library related. Every year when Thanksgiving rolls around, my family checks out Thanksgiving storybooks from the Manchester District Library. We keep them on a special shelf in our home and read them many times. […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Marsha’s Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of year. It’s a time to celebrate legendary memories and to spend time with those who mean the most to us. Sometimes that is family; other times it is friends. And either one of them are, as Martha Stewart is wont to say, A Good Thing. Here are […]

 News News

Why Did(n’t) My Power Go Out Last Sunday?

We had a long, severe thunderstorm last Sunday.  It hit most of the lower peninsula.  At it’s largest it stretched from Arkansas here to Michigan. (View an animation of the storm here: http://wxug.us/1a4us) Clearly, from the animation above, you see a large storm covering most of the state.  But we all know that the results were […]

 News News


When I was a junior or senior in high school, I wanted to host dinner parties for my friends. The only problem was that I didn’t know how to make dinner. Or to host. My mother taught how to make ratatouille. It was the first thing I learned how to cook. This is more or […]

 News News

“Why Aren’t There Hurricanes in Michigan?”

(Note from the editors: When we approached James Miller, the new director of the Manchester District Library and self-proclaimed “weather-fanatic”, about writing a weekly weather column for The Mirror, he kindly agreed. This is the first in the series….) In science it is often the answers to “stupid” questions that tell you the most. “If […]

 News News

Caramel Pecan Apple Pie

With piles of local, Manchester apples coming in, everyone is wondering what to make! And with the taste of this Halloween’s mill-porch carmel apples fresh on our tongues, what could be better than this wonderful twist to the classic apple pie. This recipe won first place at the Texas State Fair about ten years ago. […]

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