Girl Scout Project Benefits the Community Resource Center Food Pantry
Last week, three Brownies presented a carload of food and essential personal care items to the Community Resource Center Food Pantry as part of their Girl Scout project. These three girls, Emma Paxton, Amelia Paxton, and Miranda Austin are Juliettes, which means that they participate in Girl Scouts as an individual member, not as part […]
Sunshine, Birds, and ….Spray Paint Space Art?? You have to see this…
Saturday was absolutely beautiful. The sun was shining, the birds were busy making new nests for the season – unfortunately, this was in my neighbor’s fascia board, but nonetheless beautiful to see signs of spring. It was hard to pass up the opportunity to take a walk in town. Unforgettable photos hosted a vendor showcase […]
MHS Grad Taylor Evans to be Awarded the 2014 ACS Inorganic Chemistry Award
On April 23, the Chemistry Department at the University of Michigan will present the 2014 American Chemical Society Inorganic Chemistry Award. Each year the award is presented to only one student at U of M, a student “who has shown considerable interest in the field of Inorganic chemistry and has demonstrated this through coursework, research, […]
Mireille Prusak – April Artist of the Month at the Manchester Library
From the Manchester District Library Imaginative and artistic soul, Mireille Prusak, has been employed at Manchester District Library for three years. When not reading or working, Mireille dabbles in creative ventures including decorating, collecting art, herbalism, and writing. She has written a great number of short stories and is currently working on a full length […]
Fresh Food Choices Abound! – Manchester’s CSAs
Where does your food come from? Any clue? Do you go to the large grocery store that promises fresh food or do you choose to support one of our surrounding farms and know that your food is fresh, possibly picked only hours before you shop? In Manchester, we are blessed to be able to have […]
Easter Services for Area Churches
Victory Baptist Church 419 South Macomb Street, Manchester MI Fri., April 18 3:00 PM Good Friday service “Behold the Lamb upon the Cross” – a look at Christ our Passover Lamb Sunday, April 20 9:00 AM – Fellowship Breakfast 10:30 AM – Morning Worship: “Behold the Lamb upon the Throne” – a look at […]
Teacher of the Month: Melissa Yekulis
This month we are excited to honor Ms. Yekulis as the Teacher of the Month. Ms. Yekulis actually received TWO nominations this month and we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to recognize her. Congratulations Ms. Yekulis. 1. Submitted by Tracey Hock, parent Why does this teacher deserve to be recognized? How does this teacher make […]
Deep Fried or Baked? It’s All Good at the Lenten Fish Fry
There’s a line out the door at Sharon United Methodist Church and there is fresh fish, french fries in the fryer, and friendly folks forging new friendships. It must be a Friday during Lent. This is the seventh year that the Manchester Area Friends has hosted these Lenten meals and each year the event becomes […]
Manchester Voices Needs Your Input – Yes, You!
Manchester Voices would like your input on topics for community workshops. Manchester Voices has come up with a list of topic ideas, but would love to hear your ideas as well. Please take a moment to check off any of the topics already listed and write in ideas of your own. Click HERE to go to […]
Sixth Grade School Project Turns Into A Life Lesson
It all began with a small article in the Scholastic Scope, an educational mini-magazine specifically designed for grades 6-8. In the November edition, an article called “I Was Homeless” was published. It was written from a young man’s perspective about living very comfortably until his family’s life was turned upside down and they lost everything. […]