
 News News

Have YOU Been to the Manchester Wellness Center?

Submitted by Amy Heydlauff, Executive Director of the Chelsea-Area Wellness Foundation Demographics are Everything – In Wellness Too Our investment managers recently put out a white paper entitled Demographics are Everything. They hammered home the point that investors should use demographic information to make investment decisions. The paper said to consider things like the shrinking work […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Community Garden – Teaching a Lifeskill to Students

A great way to beat the winter blues is to start planning your garden. Looking through seed catalogues, reading gardening magazines, checking out landscaping books from the library. Even if your body is stuck in endless Michigan winter, your mind can wander through next summer’s garden, feeling the soil, smelling the flowers, tasting the vegetables. […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Farmers Market to Hire Market Manager for 2014

The Manchester Farmers Market will be hiring a contractor to serve as the Farmers Market Manager for the 2014 season.  For more information or to apply, email Click for detailed description: Manchester Farmer’s Market Job Description 2014

 News News

Varsity Basketball Team Enjoys Sunday Dinners

For the past few years now the varsity boys’ basketball team has been eating “Sunday Dinners” together. This team building activity allows the guys on the team to get to know each other and connect on a level they aren’t able to on the court. Usually the dinner is hosted and prepared by a team […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Civic Club – In Search of New Members

The Manchester Civic Club is in search of new members. The Civic Club is a service organization focusing on the youth of our community. It is an outgrowth of The Optimist Club that was established in Manchester in the 1950’s. They sponsor local groups and events both monetarily and with man-hours, some of which include: […]

 News News

Manchester Community Schools Celebrate our School Board Leaders

January is School Board Recognition Month and Manchester Community Schools is joining 545 local and 56 intermediate school districts across the state to thank these community volunteers for their untiring dedication to public education. “Serving on a school board has been described as the ‘toughest volunteer job in America.’ Yet Michigan’s public school board members […]

 News News

Manchester Voices Combats Substance Abuse in Teens

by Lindsay Hannah Have you heard of Manchester Voices? If you have been a student or parent at Manchester Middle School or High School in the past 5 years it’s likely you have. Manchester Voices is a coalition that encourages members of our community of all ages to plan and participate in drug and alcohol free […]

 News News

Today’s Policing: Walking the Line and Creating a Sense of Personal Balance

A line has been drawn. It’s an old line, and one that’s been heavily discussed, routinely scrutinized, and legally reviewed, debated, and disputed. It is the line that separates the public’s right to know and an individual’s right to personal privacy. Sometimes that line seems to be big and bold. Other times, that line is […]

 Fritz Swanson

St. Mary Church Invites All of Manchester to Attend Christmas Services

Message to Manchester from St. Mary’s Parish Office: St. Mary Roman Catholic Church in Manchester observes the holy season of Advent (this year from December 1 until Christmas Eve) in prayerful preparation and anticipation of the great celebration of Christmas, the Nativity of the Lord. And Christmas Eve is only the beginning of a joyful […]

 News News

Could Anything Beat All-You-Can-Eat Tacos?

    Mmmmmm…. I love tacos. All kinds of tacos. And my favorite kind of taco? The all-you-can-eat taco! You heard me right, all you can eat! Where did I go? St. Mary’s Parish Center. The women and children of St. Mary’s were ready to help as soon as 5 o’ clock came.  You pay […]