
 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester’s WALK Star!

Kathy O’Mara, first grade teacher at Manchester’s Klager Elementary School, is well known to most people in the community. Perhaps you grew up in Manchester and remember her as Kathy Rose; or maybe she taught you– or your child–or both–over the 34 years she has worked at Klager Elementary School; if she coached you or […]

 Sara Swanson

DDA Beautification Award Winner: Over the Edge Pizza and Sports Bar and Ollie’s Pizza and Grinders

Last October the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) announced that it was creating a Downtown Beautification Award in order to recognize Village of Manchester businesses, nonprofits, and churches whose property reflects their community pride “through upgrades to the physical appearance of their storefronts, enhancing the atmosphere and aesthetics of the village.” The DDA recently announced they’ve […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Five generations of Strongs

Maureen Strong will turn 88 in June, but she has no intention of going anywhere any time soon. She just welcomed her second great-grandson on April 13, who was born on her daughter-in-law’s birthday, and was named Wesley in honor of Maureen’s father. And with 10 grandchildren, a plethora of great-grandchildren (16), plus a couple […]

 Marsha Chartrand

What’s your iT?

Heather Rathburn has always enjoyed the concept of home. She loved being a stay at home mom when her boys were growing up. She owned a popular business for many years called “House to Home Interiors” and consulted with people to renovate their homes, offices, and more. She spent 10 years working in administrative jobs at […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester High School alumni update: Mike Ahrens, Class of 1969

submitted by Phyllis Heinrich on behalf of the MHS Alumni Association The Manchester Mirror has been very cooperative in publishing articles about Manchester graduates who have made their mark on the world. Once again, as we have done in the past, the Alumni Association would like to recognize a former graduate who has credited his years […]

 Sara Swanson

April 2019 Student of the Month, Logan Huff

The April 2019 Manchester Community Schools Foundation Student of the Month for Manchester High School is Logan Huff.  Logan is the daughter of Laura and Don Huff.  Logan has been very involved with the student chapters of Kiwanis Club since middle school. She became active with the middle school Builders Club and is currently the secretary of […]

 Sara Swanson

Meet the MCS staff: Parapros

submitted by Manchester Community Schools  

 Sara Swanson

Obituary: Martha Anna “Sally” Tobias

Her Legacy… Martha Anna “Sally” Tobias, Age 89, passed away April 3, 2019.  She was born on March 25, 1930, in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania to James and Ida (Pudder) Devine. Sally married the love of her life, Joe Tobias April 11, 1953 in Ida, Michigan.  Sally was a baker for the University of Michigan, retiring […]

 Sara Swanson

Obituary: Ethel M. Fahey

Ethel M. Fahey, a long-time resident of Manchester, Michigan and Tucson, Arizona, passed peacefully on Tuesday, March 12th at the age of 86. Born in Manchester, Ethel was an accomplished student, graduating as Valedictorian of the Manchester High School Class of 1950. She went on to obtain a degree from Cleary College, and enjoy a […]

 Sara Swanson

Dale Weidmayer recognized at 2019 Washtenaw Agriculture Banquet

More than 275 people attended the 2019 Washtenaw County Agriculture Banquet, hosted by the Washtenaw County Dairy Livestock Council at the Chelsea High School. A roast beef and chicken dinner was prepared by Chelsea Food Service and served by the National Honor Society from Chelsea High School. The entertainment for the evening was provided by comedian […]

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