
 Sara Swanson

Manchester Mens Club holds election, supports the community in 2017

The Manchester Men’s Club held elections at the January meeting last week. The results are, President- John Stedman; VP- Lester Koch; Treasurer- Henry Earhart; Secretary- Eric Frasier; Board Members- Jim Montgomery, Austin Scott, Andy Mahony, Jim Carpenter, Dan Fleck, and Mike Parks. The Men’s Club is a non profit 501(c)3 that raises funds by putting […]

 Sara Swanson

Vic Mann to be honored as Washtenaw’s 2017 Tree Conservationist of the Year

The 70th Annual Meeting of the Washtenaw County Conservation District will be held Thursday, January 18, 2018, 6:30 pm at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds, located at 5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Road. In addition to a presentation on Washtenaw County Bats and the presentation of the 2017 Conservation Farmer of the Year Award to Frank Rochowiak of […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Klager Elementary 2017-2018 first trimester 5th & 6th Grade Honor Rolls

                Grade 5 High Honors Bobo, Ashley E Branner, Faith M Clark, Rebecca A Conklin, Memphis C Dalton, Jake A Deitert, Kylie R Desbrough, Annalise F Duffing, Konnor C DuRussel, Seeger J Flint, Savanah R Gallinat, Carter S Gebhardt, Neil R.E. Harvey, Lila J Hulswitt, Phoenix P Klein, Mallory […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Civic Club Student of the Month

  Submitted by John Korican The December 2017 Civic Club Student of the Month for Manchester High School is Dominic Bargardi. Dominic, the son of David and Kim Bargardi, is the 500th student to be recognized by the Manchester Civic Club. He is a member of the Manchester High School National Honor Society and Student […]

 Sara Swanson

Announcement: Silvanus and Darlene Egler 60th Wedding Anniversary

Silvanus and Darlene (Dunny) Egler celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with family and friends with a dinner-dance in Payson, Arrizonia at Mazatzal Casino. They were married October 26, 1957 in Manchester. Both were employed by S.S.Kresge Co. in Ann Arbor. They raised four children and are blessed with eight grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren. In August 1968, […]

 Sara Swanson

Obituary: Donna Mae England-Hankamp

Donna Mae (Wahl) England-Hankamp passed away peacefully on Sunday, December 3, 2017 at 79 years of age, with her family by her side. Donna was born in Saline, MI on October 3, 1938 at Saline Community Hospital. She was baptized, confirmed and married at St. Paul United Church of Christ in Saline. Donna called Saline, Manchester […]

 Sara Swanson

Christmas in the Village contest winners

This year’s Christmas in the Village celebration included multiple contests. Event organizer Jennifer Wojtowicz provided the results: In the Business Decorating category, Sutton Insurance Agency won for “Most Holiday Spirit” and Proper Property Services Inc won for “Best Polar Express Theme.” Mary Stevens won the cookie contest with her glazed fresh apple cookies. In the Parade Float Contest, there […]

 Sara Swanson

Paul Derheim named November student of the month

submitted by John Korican Our November 2017 Manchester H.S. Civic Club Student of the Month is Paul Derheim. Paul is the son of Alan and Michele Derheim. Paul is a member of the  National Honor Society, Spanish Club and a Student Mentor. He plays football, basketball and track. Paul is active with his church as a […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester couple new Washtenaw County Young Farmer Chairs

Manchester couple, Kathleen and Matt Noggle, are the new Washtenaw County Young Farmer Chairs through the Michigan Farm Bureau Young Farmer program. Matt and Kathleen moved to Michigan a year ago to be more involved in Matt’s family’s farm. The family has been farming in Manchester since the 1880s. They are now raising corn and hay […]

 Sara Swanson

Kathy Siler honored by Michigan Farm Bureau as 2017 Agricultural Promoter of the Year

Kathy Siler has been the public voice of Farm Bureau in Washtenaw County for more than 14 years. For her efforts, Michigan Farm Bureau recognized her as their 2017 Agricultural Promoter of the Year at their 98th Annual Meeting, during the Promotion & Education lunch banquet. County communication chair and newsletter editor since 2003, Kathy has […]

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