2016 Community Resource Center Banquet honors local volunteers
Friday night, the Manchester Community Resource Center held its 29th Annual Volunteer Recognition Banquet, attended by almost 200 representatives of Manchester’s community groups and non-profit organizations. Twenty-two community members were nominated this year by their organizations to receive recognition for their outstanding volunteerism. After a night of eating, drinking, fundraising, and award presentations, seven special awards were […]
Local dancer spent summer break training in Nashville
School of Nashville Ballet accepted one young dancer from Manchester to participate in its Summer Intensive program, where she spent part of her summer developing her ballet technique and performance skills at the official School of Nashville Ballet—Samantha Stockard, who studies at Ballet Chelsea. This year’s Summer Intensive program included 313 students from 33 states […]
Obituary: Edward Haller
His Legacy… Haller, Edward Ernest, age 78 passed away October 29, 2016 at Chelsea Retirement Community. Ed was born on May 23, 1938 in Eastpointe, MI the son of Albert K. and Pauline (Bauhammer) Haller. He was employed with Kroger in the Deli Dept. until his retirement. Ed enjoyed spending his free time watching TV […]
Manchester Family Service Christmas Shop–Adoption program and gift giving
The Manchester Family Service (MFS) exists to provide aid to many families and individuals in the community. As the holiday season approaches, we seek ways to brighten their lives through our annual Christmas Project. Through the project, MFS coordinates the efforts of individuals, organizations, and businesses in our community to provide gifts, food, warm clothing, […]
98 Manchester students in 4th – 8th grade inducted into Kiwanis service leadership programs
On the evening of Monday, October 24th, Klager K-Kids and Manchester Middle School’s Builders Club, both Kiwanis student groups, held their 2016 induction ceremony in the Manchester High School auditorium. Cindy Kenney, who serves both clubs as an advisor stated, “We have 62 members in Builders Club and 36 in K Kids. Builders Club is […]
Abbegail Hamilton named October Student of the Month
submitted by Manchester High School The Manchester Civic Club’s October Student of the Month is Abbegail Hamilton. She is currently a senior at Manchester High School and the daughter of LouAnn Hamilton and Dave Rodriguez of Manchester. During her high school career here at Manchester, Abbegail has been involved with National Honor Society and FFA. […]
Delanie Osborn – 2016 Girls State Representative
The Manchester American Legion Auxiliary was pleased to have Delanie Osborn, daughter of Bruce and Carrie Osborn and senior at Manchester High School represent their unit at Girls State at Michigan State University this past June. She gave a presentation to the unit at their September meeting. Liz Wallace of the Auxiliary stated, “Now is the […]
Gale Shrewsbury – representing Manchester in Canton
Manchester High School sophomore, Gale Shrewsbury represented Manchester this past weekend in Canton’s Spotlight on Youth’s fall show, Twinderella. In this original play, Cinderella has a long-lost twin brother named Bob, living in the same kingdom with his own wicked stepfamily. Gale played the Fairy Godmother in the performances at the Village Theater in Cherry Hill […]
Chamber of Commerce scarecrow contest winners
You may have noticed the hard work that went into Manchester’s Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis and Manchester Community School’s second annual scarecrow contest this month while driving or walking through downtown. Entries were attached to light poles up and down Main Street. Last week, three of the entries were awarded with ribbons and their creators […]
Supporting our less fortunate friends and neighbors- Manchester Family Service
The good news is the local Michigan economy seems to be improving. The not-so-good news is there is still a significant segment of Washtenaw County citizens who have not yet seen the benefits of this economic growth. The Manchester area is very lucky to have organizations that make it their mission to provide assistance to those […]