
 Marsha Chartrand

Road Commission announces work on Grass Lake Road

The Washtenaw County Road Commission has announced its planned road work for the week of April 26. All schedules are subject to change, due to weather or other circumstances. In Sharon Township, Grass Lake Road between Rank and Sharon Hollow Roads will have intermittent lane closures as part of a limestone resurfacing project. Commuters on […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Progress begins on Watkins Lake Trail

Travelers along Austin Road west of town may have noticed some tree clearing going on. This is a significant step forward in the development of the Watkins Lake Trail, which has been under discussion for a few years now. “We are in the process of developing access to this trail segment; however, it may be […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Consumers Energy commits to further safety updates at Freedom Township plant

An invitation to “learn how Consumers Energy is increasing safety measures in Freedom Township” led to an important announcement about a long-awaited safety improvement at the Compressor Station near Pleasant Lake that dates back to 1947. John Broschak, vice-president of gas operations at Consumers Energy, introduced the virtual announcement last Friday by saying that the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Cemetery now under township ownership

Two years after the Oak Grove Cemetery Board approached Manchester Township to incorporate the cemetery as township property, the final paperwork from the state of Michigan has been completed to finish the transition of ownership of the cemetery, located just west of the village on Austin Road. The cemetery now officially belongs to Manchester Township, […]

 Sara Swanson

WAVE & WCHD providing Manchester residents free rides to get the COVID vaccine

The Western-Washtenaw Area Value Express (WAVE), the organization that operates the two-day a-week shuttle bus between Manchester and Chelsea, recently announced that it is coordinating with the Washtenaw County Health Department in transporting individuals to the COVID vaccine site at Pierce Lake Elementary School in Chelsea. Service began Tuesday, April 13. Anyone, including Manchester residents, […]

 Sara Swanson

Nan Weston Preserve now offers a GPS-based audio tour

submitted by Mary Louks, The Nature Conservancy Spring is here and we have the perfect adventure for you! Now available (at no charge) on the TravelstorysGPS app, you can explore The Nature Conservancy Michigan’s Nan Weston Nature Preserve at Sharon Hollow, located in Sharon Township, in a whole new way. Listen to the chorus of […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester Township to review fire penalties, seasonal road work

submitted by Sybil Kolon The April 13 township board meeting was held in person. All board members were present, except Trustee Lisa Moutihno. Also in attendance were two members of the Manchester Fire Department. Captain Shawn Booth of the Manchester Fire Department provided the monthly report. March was a very busy month. There were 63 […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester District Library adds hoopla to digital collections

submitted by the Manchester District Library Manchester District Library patrons now have another resource for digital borrowing: hoopla Digital. This well-known public library service is offered by Midwest Tape, and provides digital checkouts using your library card. Is MDL replacing their previous digital collection, Overdrive, with hoopla? Not at all! MDL plans to continue providing […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Wellness Coalition plans for 10th year

submitted by Ray Berg The Manchester Wellness Coalition continues to partner with the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation (5HF) in developing a variety of programs, classes, and infrastructure, wherein funding from 5HF and other sources is used to help Manchester area residents achieve four goals: move more, eat better, connect with others in healthy ways, and […]

 Sara Swanson

WCCD inviting schools & community organizations to apply for grant

The Washtenaw County Conservation District (WCCD) has announced the application is open for their School and Community Habitat Grant. This grant is designed to assist schools and community organizations with accessing plants and establishing wildlife habitat. Restoring wildlife habitat creates natural ecosystems providing benefits to residents (human or otherwise) including greater biodiversity, air and water […]