WCHD Covid-19 vaccine: New scheduling process & expanded statewide eligibility
submitted by Washtenaw County Health Department Statewide vaccine eligibility expanded last week, and Washtenaw County Health Department is also beginning a new scheduling process. The new process will allow online, self-scheduling for the mass vaccination sites in Ypsilanti and Chelsea. As before, the Health Department will provide phone scheduling for those who need it. Individuals […]
Manchester Mirror celebrates a milestone in print
They say time flies. And it’s true. This Wednesday, March 31, will mark the Manchester Mirror’s five-year anniversary of being a print newspaper. Five years ago, the staff of Sara and Fritz Swanson, Marsha Chartrand, Mike Austin, and Danielle Muntz, realized that although our online efforts were helping to inform and educate the community, there […]
Changes ahead for the Chicken Broil
This year’s Chicken Broil will not look significantly different than in previous years. There will still be the famous half of a chicken, slowly roasted over charcoal on grids, basted in butter, and served accompanied by secret recipe coleslaw, radishes, bread and butter, and a bag of chips. But one change you will see is […]
Dale Weidmayer remembered by Freedom colleagues
At the regular meeting of the Freedom Township Board on March 9, the board paused to remember the life and service of their former supervisor, Dale Weidmayer, who passed away on February 26 at the age of 76, just three months after ending his term last November. “A moment of silence was held in memory […]
Manchester Township approves Run Manchester route & Night Hawks ride; State approves Oak Grove transfer to Township
submitted by Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps The March 16 Manchester Township board meeting was held in person with all board members present. Also present were fire chief Bill Scully, Zoning Administrator Carl Macomber, Village President Pat Vailliencourt, and other members of the public. Scully provided the fire department’s monthly report. There were 43 calls […]
St. Joe’s Chelsea partnered with CRC to vaccinate Manchester seniors
In coordination with the Washtenaw County Health Department and other leading community organizations, St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea continues to promote COVID-19 vaccination efforts across the county, including the proactive outreach to local community organizations to help identify those local residents most vulnerable. One organization they partnered with was the Manchester Community Resource Center (CRC). With […]
SUMC members collect cans & bottles to build 2 wells in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Manchester resident Shirley Disch, walks with a group every Monday and Friday. One Friday, the walk took them down Logan Road. When she got home, she enlisted the help of her husband, Dave Disch as a driver and headed back to Logan where she picked up over 100 bottles and cans. Dave sent us a […]
Local government boards may continue to meet virtually; most are choosing not to
Manchester’s school board, Village Council, and the surrounding township boards have been meeting remotely for most of the pandemic, either over Zoom, Google Meet, or using a call-in system. The amendment to Michigan’s Act 276 of 1976, the Open Meetings Act, allowing public bodies to meet entirely remotely, will expire at the end of March. […]
WCSO: February 2021 police activity report in the village of Manchester
During the month of February 2021 there were 147 calls for service in Manchester Village. During this time, 74 traffic stops were made, resulting in seven citations. Noteworthy events in Manchester Village include: On February 2, a collaboration deputy responded to the 100 block of Torrey Street for a report of a fraud. The victim […]
WCRC: Seasonal Weight Restrictions suspended
The Seasonal Weight Restrictions that went into effect on Monday, March 1, 2021 has been suspended countywide effective Monday, March 22, 2021, at 6 am. The restrictions will have been in effect for 22 days. If you have any questions regarding seasonal weight restrictions, please contact Mark McCulloch, senior project manager — permits, at (734) […]