
 Marsha Chartrand

Weekend grass and brush fires result in no-burn order for Manchester area

The warm and breezy spring weather has been a welcome arrival after what may have seemed to some like an endlessly cold winter. But it hasn’t been all good news. The Manchester Township Fire Department responded over the past weekend to at least eight separate grass and field fires within the four covered townships, plus […]

 Marsha Chartrand

A little kindness goes a long way: appreciating teachers and school staff

Teachers and all school staff have been under incredible stress for the past year. Many parents, grandparents, and community members have tried to think of ways to express their appreciation for the job that our Manchester teachers have been doing. “They have poured countless hours into the end of last year and this year,” said […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Pop-up immunization clinic at Emanuel an unqualified success

On Tuesday afternoon, March 9, many Manchester residents received an email letting them know of a pop-up vaccine clinic happening the next day in our own community. The successful drive quickly got a great response and spots were filled quickly. At least 397 vaccines were provided to Manchester and other local (Washtenaw County) folks 65+ […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Local author publishes a second book, out next week

Breeda Miller is all about taking breaks. Coffee, a nice spot of Irish tea, or just a break on her comfortable screened porch with a tall glass of water. You name it, she’s ready to take a break. And she’s learned about that the hard way. In 2017, she published a small book called, “The […]

 Sara Swanson

Sharon United Methodist Church distributes 40,000 lbs. of food throughout community

On Saturday, Sharon United Methodist Church working in partnership with Hope and Encouragement for Humanity — a non-profit in Lenawee County, held its second food distribution event. Fifty-four volunteers gave out 40,000 pounds of food in 1,250 boxes to more than 250 vehicles. Church member Shirley Disch, stated, “Our church loves people. [The food distribution […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Men’s Club ends one season, ready for another

And that’s a wrap. For several weeks, Manchester has had a well-conceived and well-tended ice rink. The cold weather held out this year and thanks to the volunteer efforts of Marc Kozloff and Mark Trinkle, the ice was appropriately groomed through the skating season, allowing kids of all ages to enjoy ice skating, hockey, and […]

 Marsha Chartrand

State Boundary Commission gives green light to next cityhood steps

A meeting of the State Boundary Commission (SBC) was held at 10 am on Thursday, March 4. The three members of the Commission — chair Robin Beltramini, Richard Datema, and Chris Beland — were all in attendance via Zoom, along with the SBC’s clerk, Sara Leiby, and a number of SBC staff members. Local officials […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Students weigh in on stress of removing virtual Wednesdays

This week Manchester teachers and students alike experienced their first five-day school week in nearly a year. On Friday, March 13, 2020 the COVID-19 crisis forced schools across the state and across the nation to close. Manchester, like most other Michigan districts, stayed closed for the remainder of the year. When Manchester Community Schools reopened […]

 Marsha Chartrand

CRC evolving in response to community needs

March has traditionally been the month of the Community Resource Center (CRC)’s annual meeting. Last year, due to the onset of COVID-19 in mid-March 2020, the meeting was postponed until September. Although held via zoom to make it accessible to the entire community, no one other than board members joined in. “It will be held […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Worth Repeating starts its second year

submitted by Pat Sahakian In spite of being closed after only eight days of operation last March and reopening slowly in June, Worth Repeating has authorized donations of $14,014 back to the community during its first year of operation. Donations have been made to the Acorn Market, Happy Hearts Feline Rescue, Manchester Community Resource Center, […]