Local dairy farm wins Dairyland Seed Yieldmaster Contest
Dairyland Seed announced last week the state level and national winners of their annual Corn and Soybean Yieldmaster Contests. Finkbeiner Dairy Farms of Manchester placed first in the category of Michigan Late Corn Yieldmaster, achieving 283.0 bu/acre with DS-4878Q™. Ruczynski Farms of Richmond, Michigan placed second, achieving 272.0 bu/acre with DS-4440AMXT™. The title of National […]
Manchester ahead of schedule on lead-pipe replacement program
Last week the Mirror published a report from Bridge Magazine about how the state is requiring municipal water systems to replace lead and galvanized water lines. “As utilities across the state launch into a massive lead line replacement effort that is expected to be paid for largely by ratepayers, they are navigating a host of challenges — […]
Consortium provides expanded opportunities for high school students
The South and West Washtenaw Consortium serves six local school districts, including Manchester, Chelsea, Dexter, Lincoln, Milan, and Saline. While most of the programs are located at Saline High School, all programs are accessible to all six districts. (Robotics are located at Chelsea High School, and Graph-X in Dexter.) Courses available include Accounting; Advanced Photography; […]
Acorn update to the community on the new store
Excitement abounds as equipment is delivered for Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café. Architect Curt Titus and friend Tim Rehard pose among many of the new store’s fixtures. The store is scheduled to open at its new location in March. Submitted by Kenny Frost, Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café We at Acorn Market continue to be […]
Graduating seniors faced with reduced local scholarships
Usually, graduating Manchester High School seniors can apply for a long list of scholarships provided by the community. Unfortunately, this school year, scholarship funds are one more thing on which COVID-19 has taken a toll. High School counselor, Hollie Kolcz stated, “Over the years, our community has offered an incredible amount of scholarship funds to […]
Remembering a tragic loss
January 2006 started out optimistically for Amy Schnearle-Pennywitt. Newly married and eagerly planning to build a home on their new “estate” in Ann Arbor, Amy detailed their year of 2005 in a post-holiday letter to her friends and family. She good-naturedly poked fun at her letter, realizing that half of its recipients would be dismayed […]
Freedom Township backtracks on Safety plan
While we reported after the December Township meeting that the board was looking at establishing a Capital Improvement Plan to among other things, possibly fund an emergency warning siren to be located in the township, the board seems to have reconsidered their support of the warning system and possibly the safety plan in general sometime […]
Manchester Township to order new fire truck
submitted by Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps The January 12 township board meeting was held by phone due to restrictions during the pandemic. All board members were present. Fire chief Bill Scully was also present, as was Village President Pat Vailliencourt. The treasurer reported a balance of $1,136,149. Payment of $20,272 in bills was approved, […]
Worth Repeating ends a successful 2020
submitted by Pat Sahakian Worth Repeating, Manchester’s Charity Resale Shop, finished a successful year in 2020 despite COVID-19. During the 115 days Worth Repeating was open, it raised more than $7,000 to give back to the community of Manchester. Groups that received financial donations from Worth Repeating during 2020 were Acorn Market, Manchester Family […]
Orchards and Christmas tree farms urged to keep an eye out for invasive vine
submitted by Shikha Singh, Jackson Lenawee Washtenaw Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area In early October 2020, Michigan’s first known infestation of mile-a-minute weed was discovered by Dr. Doug White at Albion College’s Whitehouse Nature Center. This fast-growing vine is considered invasive and is listed on Michigan’s invasive species watch list. Invasive species are those that […]