Library partners with Riverfolk on ukulele lending program
submitted by Manchester District Library Manchester District Library proudly announces a new, limited-time ukulele lending program sponsored by Riverfolk Music and Arts Organization. Riverfolk has provided ten ukuleles to the MDL collection, funded by generous grants from Kiwanis Foundation of Ann Arbor, Arts Midwest US Resiliency Grant, and Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation. Library patrons […]
WCSO: December 2020 police activity report in the village of Manchester
During the month of December, there were 49 calls for service, and zero traffic stops were made. Noteworthy events in Manchester Village during December include: On December 13, a collaboration Deputy responded to the 100 block of Hibbard St. for a report of a suspicious incident. The caller indicated that they returned home after being […]
Chat virtually with the Washtenaw County Road Commission
submitted by the Washtenaw County Road Commission As you know, last year, we started a Chat with the Road Commission event to help facilitate informal conversations with WCRC leadership and the community. Unfortunately, like everything, COVID sidelined those events in 2020 but we have decided to relaunch the chat virtually this year. It is still […]
First Michigan case COVID-19 variant B.1.1.7. discovered in Washtenaw County
submitted by Washtenaw County Health Department This weekend, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) announced that a case of the COVID-19 variant B117 was identified in a Washtenaw County adult with recent travel to the United Kingdom. Washtenaw County Health Department reminds everyone to adhere to COVID-19 prevention recommendations and prevent the […]
US Capitol violence sparks reactions closer to home
A violent uprising at the US Capitol on Wednesday, January 6, took place while legislators were inside attempting to confirm the results of the Electoral College vote. Following a rally in front of the White House, where Rudy Giuliani, Sen. Mo Brooks, and President Trump were all speaking, a large group headed to the Capitol […]
Getting a vaccination for COVID-19
It was announced Thursday that vaccine priorities have been updated by the state and the Washtenaw County Health Department, as well as local hospital systems, are ready to take the ball and run with it starting today (Monday, Jan. 11). Local health departments are now authorized to begin vaccinating the following groups starting immediately: People […]
“Running for More”—local runner steps up to the challenge
“This has been a challenging year. I want to end it by turning up the good.” That’s how Nick Weidmayer challenged his friends, acquaintances, and anyone else who might have wanted to support him in a great cause this past weekend. Last year on December 31, 2019, Nick, a lifelong runner, had decided to challenge […]
St. Joes Chelesa begins COVID-19 vaccinations
St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea has received and administered its first shipment of the FDA-approved Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. The hospital received 1,700 doses, joining six other Trinity Health Michigan hospitals that have begun administering COVID-19 vaccines to front line workers. The vaccines are being administered on a voluntary basis to health care personnel who meet the […]
Men’s Club begins work on skating rink at Wurster Park
Starting the New Year off right, the Manchester Men’s Club began set up of the Wurster Park ice rink on Saturday afternoon. Men’s Club president, Andy Mahony, noted, “We are not doing a party this year due to current limitations, but we wanted the community to have the rink available for their use. We will be […]
Local churches plan for a “different” Christmas celebration
Manchester area churches are adjusting their expectations for Christmas Eve services in the age of COVID-19. While some congregations are planning socially distanced, in-person services, others have found creative ways to share the joy of the season with those who may prefer outdoor worship or even a virtual experience. Emanuel United Church of Christ plans […]