
 Sara Swanson

Community Resource Center receives new milk cooler from dairy farmers

submitted by United Dairy Industry of Michigan The Manchester Community Resource Center (CRC) has been awarded a dairy cooler as part of a United Dairy Industry of Michigan (UDIM) grant program. The program provides local food pantries with a refrigeration unit to help store milk and dairy foods at proper temperatures and build capacity to […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Freedom Township to hear details of emergency preparedness plan

At next month’s meeting of the Freedom Township Board, it is scheduled to hear a presentation by Planning Commission Chair Matt Little, who also heads up the township’s safety committee, that has been working to develop a plan for about two years now. “The Continuity and Emergency Preparedness plan basically is a written guideline of […]

 Sara Swanson

Federal broadband funding for significant portion of the county’s rural areas

submitted by Washtenaw County’s Broadband Task Force At its meeting Friday morning, Washtenaw County’s Broadband Task Force, a group convened by the County Board of Commissioners to achieve countywide broadband equity by 2022, shared the news of major federal broadband funding for rural Washtenaw County. Chair of the Task Force and Sharon Township resident Barb […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Shared use trail improvements being installed

submitted by Ray Berg Users of the Manchester Shared Use Trail will notice some new amenities and other improvements being completed this month along the length of the trail. The Manchester Downtown Development Authority (DDA) received grant funding from Destination Ann Arbor through the Community Tourism Action Plan (CTAP), to install trail equipment and make […]

 Sara Swanson

Washtenaw County Health Department starts COVID-19 vaccination

submitted by Washtenaw County Health Department Washtenaw County Health Department has started vaccinating staff. Health Department staff who will be giving vaccinations to others and staffing upcoming vaccine clinics received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine today. They are the first to be vaccinated. “I’m so excited to be vaccinated, and I don’t have […]

 Marsha Chartrand

WCSO: November 2020 police activity report in the village of Manchester

During the month of November, there were 98 calls for service. During this time, 30 traffic stops were made, resulting in four citations. Noteworthy events in Manchester Village during last month include: November 3: a Collaboration Deputy responded to the 100 block of Hibbard St. for a report of a Malicious Damage of Property report. […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Over the Edge to offer outdoor seating areas this week

A late addition to the agenda for last Monday’s Village Council agenda included a request from Over the Edge Sports Bar for temporary outdoor seating in “pods” on the sidewalk adjacent to the restaurant and Ollie’s pizzeria. A $9,000 winterization grant from the Small Business Association (SBA) to the State of Michigan, to be disbursed […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Chamber of Commerce Santa mailbox relocates downtown

The Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce’s traditional Santa Mailbox can be found in a new location this year! Look for it in front of River Raisin Mercantile & Antiques, 138 E. Main Street. All letters received by this coming Sunday, December 20, will be personally answered by Santa, with delivery hoped for before Christmas. To […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Freedom Township looks ahead under new leadership

Last Tuesday night, newly-elected Freedom Township Supervisor Larry Lindemann took his seat as he replaced long-time supervisor Dale Weidmayer. At its November meeting, the board had thanked Weidmayer for his 44 years of service and dedication to Freedom Township, after serving 33 years as a trustee and the past 13 as supervisor. Weidmayer was appointed […]

 Sara Swanson

Women’s giving circle is seeking Manchester members and charities

submitted by April Gasbarre, 100 Women Who Care-Chelsea Area 100 Women Who Care-Chelsea Area is seeking members interested in supporting charitable efforts in Manchester, Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake, Stockbridge and adjacent townships. With the minimal time commitment of only three hours a year, members can make a major impact in their community by participating in […]