Washtenaw County prepared for election day
submitted by Washtenaw County Office of Clerk/Register of Deeds Washtenaw County election administrators, poll workers, and public safety officials are prepared for Election Day, Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Polling locations will be open to voters from 7 am – 8 pm. Washtenaw County Administrator Gregory Dill states, “I am confident the appropriate resources have been […]
WCSO on election integrity, polling location safety, and community safety post-election
from Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office Many members of our community, including our local faith leaders, have expressed reasonable unease and vulnerability in connection with the upcoming election and its potential aftermath. Much of the concern is in response to the seemingly increased level of vitriol, threats of violence, and division we have observed throughout our […]
WCRC road work for the week of Nov. 2-8
Ongoing culvert work in Lodi Township, on Pleasant Lake Road between Zeeb and Ann Arbor-Saline Roads, will continue during the week of November 2-8. Paving is anticipated to be completed this week. While not within the Mirror’s normal coverage area, this route is a common one for those Manchester area residents commuting to Ann Arbor […]
Downtown merchants open late for holiday shoppers, starting Nov. 5
Things are different in retail this year. But as the holidays approach, Manchester’s downtown merchants are eager to encourage residents (and those from other towns as well!) to shop locally this Christmas season. For three Thursdays in November (November 5, 12, and 19) and three more Thursdays in December (December 3, 10, and 17), downtown […]
Ruth VanBogelen selected as 5 Healthy Towns Foundation’s Champion of Wellness Lifetime Achievement Award winner
This spring, 5 Healthy Towns Foundation asked for nominations of individuals from all five towns from which one Champion of Wellness Lifetime Achievement Award winner would be selected. Ruth VanBogelen from Manchester was nominated along with Dawn Cuddie from Grass Lake, Joe DeBoe from Grass Lake, Annie Lavergne from Grass Lake, Dr. Gary Manard from […]
Broadband Task Force offers update on achieving broadband equity by 2022
submitted by Broadband Task Force At the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners Working Session meeting last evening, the Broadband Task Force provided an update on their work to bridge the digital divide in our rural townships. Chair of the Task Force and Sharon Township resident Barb Fuller stated the following in her opening remarks, “You […]
Road work advisory- Bartlett Road in Bridgewater Township
Starting Monday, October 26, Gerken Paving will begin a road resurfacing project on Bartlett Road between the county line and Allen Road in Bridgewater Township. The road will not be closed to traffic, but delays are likely due to lane restrictions. WCRC encourages motorists, emergency services and others to use an alternate route. The road […]
Guidelines for Staying COVID-safe this Halloween
from the Washtenaw County Health Department During fall holidays like Halloween, it’s important to be COVID-safe! Things will look different this year, but we can still have fun and prevent the spread of COVID-19 by wearing face coverings, social distancing, washing our hands often, and staying home when sick. When celebrating Halloween or other fall […]
Board of Commissioners seeking volunteers for Commission on Aging
The Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners is looking for people to volunteer for positions on the Washtenaw County Commission on Aging. The Board of Commissioners will make these appointments at its upcoming session on November 18, 2020 at 6:45 pm. Individuals interested in applying should apply online at https://ewashtenaw.formstack.com/forms/board_application. If you are unable to submit […]
CRC continues to help Manchester through rain, snow … and pandemic
Challenges abound, but the challenges often tend to bring new opportunities with them, observes Laura Seyfried, Director at the Community Resource Center (CRC) in Manchester. The CRC’s mission is to “serve individuals and families in need by offering effective programs that improve their lives, promote volunteerism, and enhance the welfare of the Manchester community.” By […]