Sharon Township considers ‘green’ burial practices in cemetery addition
A planned expansion of the Sharon Township cemetery is progressing, with part of the process including the Planning Commission working on revising the township’s ordinance to have more green burial information. Sharon Township trustee and sexton, Trudi Cooper, says, “My intention is to slowly begin a conversation about green burial, and later this year to […]
Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café – Acorn is moving to a new location
submitted by Ruth VanBogelen, Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café Board Less than a month ago, the Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café Board of Directors (Acorn BOD) announced that the Patronicity campaign was a success, raising almost $56,000 – and two weeks ago Acorn BOD learned that the MEDC match of $50,000 was approved. The excitement […]
Manchester asks where is my absentee ballot? Will my vote count if I vote by absentee ballot?
Last week, many Manchester residents checked their mailbox and wondered if their absentee ballot should have already arrived. Some residents had received theirs and others hadn’t. We reached out to the clerks of Manchester, Bridgewater, Sharon, and Freedom Townships to ask when their township’s residents should expect to receive requested absentee ballots. Valisa Bristle, Freedom […]
CROP Walk raises more than $3,000 on a drizzly day
A total of 26 walkers with four dogs raised over $3,000 for the CROP hunger walk on Sunday, with more to come in, according to local chair Marlene Uphaus. There were also many virtual walkers who contributed, but chose to not come to the event due to the rain threat and COVID-19. The good news […]
Manchester area candidates & proposals included in Washtenaw voters’ guide
submitted by Lynne Kochmanski, Vice President League of Women Voters of the Ann Arbor Area The League of Women Voters of the Ann Arbor Area, which serves all of Washtenaw County, is urging voters to prepare for the upcoming November 3 General Election, by visiting, and also by taking advantage of the local printed […]
Help youth stay tobacco and nicotine free in the new school year
submitted by the Washtenaw County Health Department Vaping use continues to rise among youth. Washtenaw County Health Department encourages parents, health care providers, and community members to talk honestly about the ill effects of nicotine and remind them that e-cigarettes are not a safe alternative. Scientists are still learning about COVID-19 and nicotine use, but […]
Annual “Buddy Walk” goes virtual for 2020
Although the annual Down syndrome Buddy Walk, sponsored by the Down Syndrome Support Team (DSST), is usually held with great fanfare and hundreds of participants gathering in Ann Arbor’s Gallup Park, this year, like so many others, it saw a scaled-down “virtual” version of the fund-raising event. About 30 Manchester families, supporters, and several dogs, […]
An affordable luxury, close to home
Kellie Stockwell Whitt grew up working in the restaurant and food business. And she loved it, even as the hard work took a toll on her health over the years. But now, she has found something that she “loves, loves, loves” even more — and that’s helping others find their true inner (and outer) beauty […]
Manchester Community Schools discusses COVID-19 learning plan and reopening of Wellness Center
by Claire Pajka The brief Manchester Community Schools Board meeting was held over Google Meets on at 6 pm September 21, with all members of the board present except Rebecca Harvey. During the meeting, the Board approved the Klager, Riverside, and Junior/Senior High handbooks with updated safety precautions, as well as the updated building use […]
Senator Lana Theis speaks to area residents at Sharon Township Hall
submitted by Carol Westfall Senator Lana Theis (R-22) held an in-person coffee hour (complete with masks and social distancing) on September 25 at the Sharon Township Hall. Several local residents and Sharon Township officials attended the meeting, which included a good give and take between Theis and the audience. It quickly became clear that one […]