
 Marsha Chartrand

Worth Repeating is making a difference in the community

submitted by JoAnn Okey Worth Repeating was organized earlier this year, with the goal of adding support to our community. And the response of volunteers and donors has been amazing. Getting our store set up and going, stopping for the stay at home order, and restarting or storefront has been an exercise in patience and […]

 Marsha Chartrand

On a mission to help the schools

submitted by Kathy O’Mara Sharon United Methodist Church, Emanuel Church of Christ, and Amcor joined efforts to provide school supplies to Klager and Riverside Schools. Retired Manchester teachers Mary Lowery and Kathy O’Mara headed up the mission for their respective churches as a way to give back to the community. Carol LaRock, a member at […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café is officially “growing”

submitted by Laura Wohlgemuth, Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café Board Yay! You did it! The “Grow Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café” campaign was a HUGE success. We were able to raise $55,880 and MEDC (Michigan Economic Development Corporation) matched $50,000, bringing our grand total of our fundraiser to $105,880! A huge thank you to the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Some sweet surprises in store on Main Street

Sheila Vish was supposed to be named “Leilani” to honor her mother’s Hawaiian heritage. But “Sheila” by Tommy Roe was a popular song at the time, and her dad’s wishes prevailed. Now, she gets to be both Sheila and Leilani. Her venture into becoming Sweet Leilani’s started in 2013 when she started baking, like many […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Coming soon: Improvements to Shared-Use Trail

submitted by Ray Berg, Manchester DDA Users of the Manchester Shared-Use Trail will be seeing some amenities and improvements being completed in the near future. The Manchester Downtown Development Authority received grant funding from Destination Ann Arbor through the Community Tourism Action Plan (CTAP), to install trail equipment and make other upgrades. These grant funds […]

 Sara Swanson

New video highlights Chelsea-Manchester shuttle service

St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea recently released a short video highlighting the new WAVE shuttle service they are sponsoring between Manchester and Chelsea, and between Stockbridge and Chelsea. The 4-minute video is available to watch here: The shuttle, which is free to ride for all ages, runs between Manchester and Chelsea multiple times per day […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Cruising in (your choice of) a Corvair

Ron Mann’s first car was a white four-door 1963 Chevrolet Corvair, bought brand-spanking new off the showroom floor at Tirb Chevrolet (131 Adrian Street). But it wasn’t his last Corvair–not by a long shot. He has bought and sold several more Corvairs over the years, a hobby he considers “relatively inexpensive” as collector cars go. […]

 Marsha Chartrand

“Tiny houses” set for review by Manchester Township planning commission

The Sept. 3 joint meeting of the Manchester Township board and planning commission continued its discussion of planning issues with planner John Enos talking about a rather new topic of tiny homes. Currently the township has no ordinances specifically regulating tiny houses. In the past they may have been called “accessory dwellings” or “mother-in-law lodging,” […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester Township votes to file lawsuit

by Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps The September 8 township board meeting was held in person at the Carr Park pavilion. All board members were present, as well as fire chief Bill Scully and zoning administrator Carl Macomber. A few other members of the public were present, including Village President Pat Vailliencourt. The minutes of […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Freedom Township officials, Rep. Donna Lasinski discuss local issues

submitted by Carol Westfall On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, September 13, more than 40 area residents turned out for the Pleasant Lake Property Owners (PLPOA) annual meeting held on the lawn of Freedom Township Hall. Representative Donna Lasinski (D-52) and other local officials discussed lake and Freedom Township developments. Rep. Lasinski relayed her efforts to […]