WCRC this week: Gravel resurfacing, preventive maintenance and fog seal in the Manchester area
The Washtenaw County Road Commision (WCRC) will be doing gravel resurfacing and fog sealing in the Manchester area this week. They will be doing gravel resurfacing in Freedom Township today and tomorrow. Schneider Road between Pleasant Lake Road and Ellsworth Road will have daytime closures today (Monday, August 31st) and Lima Center Road between Waters […]
Alber Orchard and Cider Mill: Apples still grow during a pandemic
by Claire Pajka With the COVID-19 pandemic initially closing farmers’ markets and restaurants, many farmers felt the effects of decreasing sales while crop production itself remained stable. With some restrictions recently being lifted for markets and orchards, I met with Mike Bossory of Alber Orchard and Cider Mill to ask how their autumn season will […]
Horning Farms expands its offerings to the public
Once upon a time, the role of the family farm was to provide food and shelter for itself and perhaps shared some of its surplus with neighbors. As more people moved away from the farm life, a farm stand with produce and other farm fare was often seen. The modern family farm has evolved into […]
Health survey shows Manchester has more marijuana usage & less access to fresh produce than surrounding communities
This Spring, the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation (5HF) conducted a health survey of residents of Manchester, Chelsea, Stockbridge, Grass Lake and Dexter. They conducted a similar survey five years ago over the phone. While the survey resulted in interesting changes between the Manchester results from five years ago and the present, including a 48% decrease […]
What’s in the River: Agricultural and yard runoff
by Claire Pajka Fertilizers contain added phosphorus and nitrogen to help plants grow, but unfortunately these nutrients don’t have the same positive effect on rivers that they do on fields. While they may help crops grow, if these fertilizers get into water, they can not only disrupt the natural balance of the ecosystem, but cause […]
No Internet? No problem! Check out a library mobile hotspot
submitted by Quintessa Gallinat, Manchester District Library For library patrons who may be struggling with internet access, the Manchester District Library has a new solution. In addition to providing free 24/7 internet access outside the Village building, patrons can now check out a mobile hotspot to access the internet at home. Not sure what a […]
Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café: So Many Community Connections
This letter is written to the community on behalf of the Acorn Farmers Market & Café, by board member Ruth VanBogelen. It is part of a series of articles submitted by the Acorn Board of Directors, to promote the Patronicity drive supporting the new market in Manchester. As of Monday morning, the drive has $33,115 […]
County upgrades emergency alert system from Nixle to Everbridge
The county announced last week that they have upgraded their emergency alert system and are no longer using the Nixle Program. If you were previously receiving emergency alerts from the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office and would like to continue receiving alerts, or if you weren’t previously but would like to start receiving alerts, you can […]
Cityhood status stays on the horizon
Despite a lengthy delay due to extreme caution during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, the move toward Manchester becoming a city is still on the minds of Village Council and administration. “Our petition language was approved by the state shortly before everything shut down last winter,” explained Village President Pat Vailliencourt. “At that time, of course, […]
Official election results from August 4 Primary
Washtenaw County has posted its official election results from the primary held on Aug. 4. Figures were not finalized until after last week’s publication. The four local townships, as reported in our August 5, 2020 print edition, had excellent voter turnout overall. Bridgewater had 37.88% turnout; Freedom Township, with a road millage on the ballot […]