
 Sara Swanson

What’s in the river: PCBs

by Claire Pajka Buried in the clay and sediments of the lower River Raisin, a stubborn contaminant refuses to be degraded. Polychlorinated biphenyls, also known as PCBs, have become a major issue for the River Raisin over the past few decades. PCBs were used in everyday commercial products as well as industrial processes, and were […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Township discusses building repairs and more in conference call meeting

by Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps The August 11 township board meeting returned to the conference call format due to the continuing coronavirus pandemic. All board members were present, as well as fire chief Bill Scully. A few other members of the public were present, including Village Council President Pat Vailliencourt. Fire chief Scully reported the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

School Board discusses and approves preparedness and response plan

by Claire Pajka The Manchester Community School Board met briefly on Google Meet at 6 pm on Monday, August 10 with all members of the board present, and 25 members of the public in virtual attendance. The bulk of the meeting was spent with new Superintendent Brad Bezeau explaining the Manchester Preparedness and Response Plan. […]

 Marsha Chartrand

New owners, new life for Manchester Market building

Since February 2019, the former Manchester Market building has sat empty and alone on West Main Street. Speculation about the possibility of a new grocery store coming to town has arisen periodically; but hopes have been dashed numerous times. After 18 months, on August 4, the uncertainty ended. A roll-off dumpster suddenly appeared. Vehicles were […]

 Sara Swanson

Watkins Lake State Park & County Preserve now a Network to Freedom site

submitted by Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation The Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission (WCPARC) is pleased to announce that Watkins Lake State Park & County Preserve has been accepted as a site in the Network to Freedom program through the National Park Service (NPS) for its connection to the Underground Railroad. It is the first […]

 Marsha Chartrand

From Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café: More than just local produce

This letter is written to the community on behalf of the Acorn Farmers Market & Café, by Meghan Berry, the Acorn Market Manager. It is part of a series of articles submitted by the Acorn Board of Directors, to promote the Patronicity drive supporting the new market in Manchester. As of Monday morning, the drive […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Sharon Township board discusses online tax payments, election results

by Claire Pajka The brief Sharon Township Board meeting was held on Thursday August 6, with six members of the public, and four members of the board in attendance. Clerk Kimberley Potocki was absent. After the June 23 meeting minutes were approved, Peter Psarouthakis gave the Supervisor’s Report, and stated that the only incident on […]

 Marsha Chartrand

What’s in the River?

by Claire Pajka (This is part one of a three-part article series on pollution in the River Raisin.) Once a productive waterway full of sturgeon, the River Raisin took a miserable turn with decades of neglect and unregulated industrial and agricultural practices, to the point where a few miles of the Raisin claimed a spot […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester Township sets virtual meeting, 8/11

Amid the corona virus crisis, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued Executive Order No. 2020-15 allowing local governments to hold meetings through remote access technology. The Township of Manchester regular meeting will be Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 7:00 pm via telephone conference calling. To attend Manchester Township Board Meeting, the public may call 313- 209-3070 […]

 Sara Swanson

2020 State Primary Election results

The Manchester area voted in the state primary today on county proposals, county positions including sheriff, a circuit court judge, a Republican candidate for State legislature, and a Republican candidate for county commissioner. Freedom township voted on a road millage and Sharon Township voted on a supervisor. While it was unclear going into the election, […]