
 Marsha Chartrand

Cisco — Home and safe at last

Thanks to the many neighbors, friends, and complete strangers who took an interest and continued to help search for Cisco, the Earhart family’s lost dog, he is home with his family and readjusting to his “new” life. “We couldn’t have done this without the help and generosity of so many folks in the surrounding areas,” […]

 Sara Swanson

Planting with a purpose: An interview with Vince Ste. Marie

by Claire Pajka As I browsed the Water Resources Washtenaw County website for farms and resources where the public can buy native plants, I stumbled across a native nursery right here in the Manchester area. I interviewed Vince Ste. Marie, owner of Windy Rock Farm and Plants with Purpose over email here: “When was Windy […]

 Sara Swanson

Acorn Farmers Market: A market for local meat

This letter is written to the community on behalf of the Acorn Farmers Market & Café, by Meghan Berry, the Acorn Market Manager. It is part of a series of articles submitted by the Acorn Board of Directors, to promote the Patronicity drive supporting the new market in Manchester. As of Monday morning, the drive […]

 Sara Swanson

Wireless hotspots available at Manchester District Library

submitted by Kathleen Dimond, Director, Manchester District Library We are currently piloting a program to check out mobile internet devices at Manchester District Library. Any Manchester District Library card holder can check out a hotspot for up to seven days if: They are aged 18 or older. Have no restrictions on their library account. Have a […]

 Sara Swanson

Good native gardening

by Claire Pajka If you’re searching for a beautiful way to support pollinators like bees and butterflies, look no further than planting some native Michigan plants. By planting native flora throughout your yard or garden, you are also building crucial habitats that native wildlife relies on. Furthermore, because native plants are already well adapted to […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Highly anticipated River Raisin Distillery opens

It’s been 61 months since Joe and Krista Jarvis purchased the old Koebbe Welding building on West Main Street. But who’s counting? They have spent most of the past five years doing most of the work of cleaning, creating, and crafting that old, drafty, dusty building into their vision, then cleaning some more, and simultaneously […]

 Marsha Chartrand

County wide 4-H project fills CRC’s freezers

The Manchester Community Resource Center (CRC) was the recipient of some very special gifts last week, thanks to the efforts of an annual 4-H community service project. “During a normal year, some of our poultry kids raise chickens and/or turkeys as a community service project,” explained Christie Warren, parent to two 4-H’ers, Rhea and Ethan, […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester hosts pop-up COVID-19 testing site

Sunday, Manchester played host to a 6-hour long pop-up COVID-19 testing site in the Riverside Intermediate School parking lot. Many residents took the opportunity to get the free test and although the wait was longer at the very start, most only waiting 5 or 10 minutes, if at all. According to the Washtenaw County Health […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Watkins Lake State Park and County Preserve, a unique partnership

By Claire Pajka Michigan’s newest state park, Watkins Lake State Park and County Preserve (WLP), is comprised of Watkins Lake, open meadowland, and low wetland areas. Long a popular birding and wildlife observation area, Watkins Lake is designated by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) as a waterfowl refuge. This serene park also holds […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Primary Election set for August 4

Manchester area voters are reminded that the state primary election, which also selects candidates who will run for township offices in the November general election, will be held on Tuesday, August 4. Polls are open from 7 am to 8 pm and voting is held at your local township office (for those who live in […]