The battle of invasive plants, and two to watch out for
By Claire Pajka The Manchester area is currently involved in an intense invasive battle. But what, exactly, are invasive plants? An invasive plant is considered any plant that is non-native to the area and has potential to seriously disrupt or harm the balance of natural communities. According to the Jackson Lenawee Washtenaw Cooperative Invasive Species […]
Manchester canoe/kayak race organizers safely execute successful event
Last Sunday, July 19th, Manchester held its 54th Annual canoe/kayak race. It rained, hard, and was somewhat modified due to the pandemic, most obviously being held in July instead of May. Although it took planning and effort, the annual event was safely executed. One of the race organizers, Sybil Kolon stated, “We knew back in […]
Manchester Township discusses fire, events, communications at July 14 meeting
Submitted by Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps The July 14 Manchester Township board meeting was held in person for the first time since March. All board members were present, as well as fire chief Bill Scully. Four other members of the public were present, including Manchester Village President, Pat Vailliencourt. Residents will notice a new […]
From Acorn Farmers Market: A letter to the community
This letter is written to the community on behalf of the Acorn Farmers Market & Café, by Laura Wolgemuth, the former Manchester Farmer’s Market Manager and a new member of the Board of Directors for Acorn. It is part of a series of articles submitted by the Acorn Board of Directors, to promote the Patronicity […]
Co-op Preschool openings for fall & fundraising
submitted by Vern O. Moore, Manchester Co-op Preschool board Manchester Cooperative Preschool is excited to get back to the classroom for the 2020 – 2021 school year! We have a lot of great fund-raising opportunities to get the community involved this year. All proceeds go directly to the preschool for supplies, furniture, and toys to […]
WCRC chip-sealing in Manchester area TODAY
The Washtenaw County Road Commission will be performing preventative maintenance and chip sealing in multiple locations in the Manchester area today, July 27th. This will result in intermittent lane closures in these locations. In Sharon and Freedom Townships, they will be finishing up on Pleasant Lake Rd between M-52 and Schneider Rd. In Manchester and […]
Chip seal begins today on Pleasant Lake Road
On Thursday, July 23, 2020, the Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) will begin a preventative maintenance chip seal project on Pleasant Lake Road between M-52 and Schneider Road in Sharon and Freedom Townships. The road will not be closed to traffic, but delays are likely due to lane restrictions. WCRC encourages motorists, emergency services and others to […]
River Bend Gardens: An endeavor of native seeds
by Claire Pajka How do you restore an ecosystem that has been all but eliminated from the state of Michigan? Wayne and Julie Oliver of River Bend Gardens, a private botanical garden located in Manchester, can tell you! The Oliver’s journey with the garden began three years ago when they bought 65 acres of land […]
Candidate Profiles for Primary Election August 4
The Manchester Mirror contacted all of the candidates for the four township boards of Bridgewater, Freedom, Manchester and Sharon Townships, via the contact information provided on the Washtenaw County Elections web page. Following are the profiles of the candidates who chose to respond to our request for a candidate profile. Valisa Bristle – Incumbent Freedom […]
August 3 set as relaunch date for free WAVE shuttle service between Manchester and Chelsea
St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea is re-introducing a free public transportation initiative in Stockbridge and Manchester through the Western-Washtenaw Area Value Express (WAVE) service. The bus service, which will now launch on August 3, was originally set to begin in April but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of the agreement with WAVE, […]