Freedom Township discusses hotspots, COVID-19 precautions for upcoming elections
By Claire Pajka The Freedom Township Board meeting was held in person on June 9 with all five board members, planning commissioner Larry Lindemann, and two members of the public in attendance. Treasurer Rudy Layher reported that May’s total ending balance is $686,143.34. Supervisor Dale Weidmayer stated that at 6 p.m. on June 17, Freedom […]
Manchester District Library curbside pick up procedure
The Manchester District Library has announced its curbside pick-up procedure. Starting today, Monday June 15th, library cardholders will be able to reserve up to five books online at, by telephone by calling 428-8045, or by emailing You will then be notified by email or phone when your order is ready for pick-up. To […]
Wellness Coalition resuming planning for 9th year, calls for ideas that need funding
submitted by Ray Berg, Manchester Wellness Coalition The Manchester Wellness Coalition has restarted planning for its Year 9 Health and Wellness Plan, after the 3-month delay due to the Stay at Home Order. We continue to partner with the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation in developing a variety of programs, classes and infrastructure, wherein funding from […]
St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea named second best hospital in Michigan by Newsweek
submitted by Saint Joseph Mercy Health System St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea was named the second-best hospital in the state of Michigan according to Newsweek’s 2020 World’s Best Hospitals list, and the 58th-best hospital in the United States. Hospitals are rated based on high-quality patient care, commitment to patient safety, clinical resources, family centeredness, and other […]
WCSO report: May 2020 police activity in Village of Manchester
During the month of May, WCSO deputies responded to 67 calls for service (including traffic stops). Toward the end of the month, deputies began conducting more traffic enforcement; during this time a total of 11 traffic stops were made with four citations issued. Noteworthy events in the Manchester collaboration during the last month include: On […]
WCRC: Road work this week
This week in Manchester Township, there will be intermittent lane closures for gravel resurfacing on Wellwood Rd between Watkins and Sharon Hollow Roads through June 21st. In Sharon and Freedom Township, Pleasant Lake Rd between M-52 and Schneider Rd will experience daytime road closures on the 17th and 18th for preventative maintenance chip-sealing.
What is the risk if a dam fails in Manchester?
On May 19th, the whole country watched on national news as the Edenville Dam outside of Midland failed, and caused the failure of the Sanford Dam, the evacuation of 10,000 residents, extensive flooding throughout eastern Midland and low-lying parts of its downtown district, and severe damage of most of the Village of Sanford. It also […]
Teacher helps the community for her “retirement party”
One thing about a good teacher ─ she (or he) is always teaching, no matter what else they may be doing. And Kathy O’Mara is definitely one of the good ones. A leader by example, O’Mara has always been an advocate for her students, and is always seeking an opportunity to teach and help […]
Meet Manchester Community School’s new superintendent!
By Claire Pajka The Manchester Community Schools board meeting to select a new Superintendent took place on June 1 over Facebook Live, and the full video is accessible under the videos tab on the Manchester Community School’s Facebook page. Two candidates, Eric McCalla and Brad Bezeau, were interviewed for the position of Superintendent of Manchester […]
Celebrity servers this week at the ice cream wagon
Yes, Virginia … despite the quarantine, there will indeed be a “Celebrity Server” this year. And it won’t be just one night ─ this will be School Employee Week at the Emanuel Church ice cream truck, with school staff planning on being in the trailer from 3-8 pm each evening, Wednesday – Saturday. Participants will […]