WCRC to begin resurfacing Pleasant Lake Road in Freedom Township
On Monday, April 20, 2020, the Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) will begin a road resurfacing project on Pleasant Lake Road between Steinbach Road and Zeeb Road in Freedom and Lodi Townships. The road will not be closed to traffic, but delays are likely due to lane restrictions. WCRC encourages motorists, emergency services and others […]
Manchester’s 54th Annual Canoe Race postponed
submitted by Sybil Kolon, Canoe Race committee With uncertainty still surrounding the ability of group activities to go forward in May, the committee coordinating the Canoe and Kayak Race decided last week to postpone the annual race, normally held on the third Sunday in May. A decision regarding when and if the race can be […]
WCSO report: March 2020 police activity in Village of Manchester
During the month of March thee were 72 calls for service (including traffic stops). Deputies conducted 27 traffic stops during this time, with 22 citations issued. Noteworthy events in Manchester Village during the last month include: On March 1, the collaboration responded to the 800 block of E. Main Street for a hold up alarm. […]
Health Care Coverage and Health Insurance during COVID-19
from Health Department of Washtenaw County If you lost health care coverage or never had health care coverage, the Washtenaw Health Plan team can help provide information and answer your questions. Options include enrolling in Marketplace coverage though a Special Enrollment Period, COBRA and Medicaid or MIChild. Call the Washtenaw Health Plan at 734-544-6778 or […]
St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor treats first COVID-19 patient with convalescent plasma
Saint Joseph Mercy Health System has treated its first hospitalized COVID-19 patient at St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor hospital with plasma donated by a person who has recovered from COVID-19, as part of the Mayo Clinic Coordinated Expanded Access to Convalescent Plasma Program. Eleven St. Joe’s patients were among the first 200 nationally to be […]
River Raisin canoe race hopes to go on in 2020; Top Fan will be here, too
At last Monday night’s virtual Village Council meeting, Canoe Race organizer Sybil Kolon updated Council on the status of this year’s race. With the Kiwanis Club disbanding last fall and a variety of different organizations taking over the many events that the club had sponsored, the Manchester Music Boosters had decided to sponsor the 54th […]
Senior class of 2020–missing the “Lasts”
It’s been a strange couple of months for the Class of 2020. And the ones ahead promise to be equally challenging. Hollie Kolcz, guidance counselor at Manchester High School, should be experiencing her busiest time of year right now. But instead of her office bustling with students printing and submitting their scholarship applications, they are […]
Upton replaced; Scot Graden to serve as interim superintendent through end of June
Scot Graden, superintendent of Saline Area Schools since 2008, was named as interim superintendent of Manchester Community Schools, replacing Kevin Upton, at a special meeting of the MCS Board of Education last Monday night. Upton’s contract with the WISD, which was scheduled to extend through June 30, was terminated as of April 6, 2020. A […]
Acorn Farmers Market is re-opening May 7
Submitted by Ruth VanBogelen On Thursday May 7th the Acorn Farmers Market will reopen selling produce, meat and other food items to make healthy meals. The market will be open Thursdays 3-6 pm, Friday 3-6 pm and Saturday 10 am–4 pm at 327 W. Main Street in Manchester. We’ll add more days and hours probably […]
“Live from Riverfolk” … it’s Thursday night!
As a result of the recent Stay Home orders issued to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Riverfolk has been forced to cancel all of its programming, including its monthly Blacksmith Shop Concerts and Spring fund-raising events. Like most arts organizations across the country, Riverfolk depends on its programming revenue to to pay artists and serve […]