American 1 contributed over $1 Million to its communities in 2019
submitted by American 1 Credit Union American 1 has been putting community first through sponsorships, donations, major gifts, and volunteer efforts since they were founded in 1950. “We want to create a lasting impact in the communities we serve,” said Martha Fuerstenau, President/CEO of American 1. “American 1 and our Board of Directors are passionate […]
State warns of scammers posing as health officials in Washtenaw
from Washtenaw County Sheriff Office Telephone scammers are posing as human services officials and attempting to steal personal information from unsuspecting Michigan residents, warns Attorney General Dana Nessel, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Director Robert Gordon and the Michigan State Police. Officials have received multiple complaints from residents who have been contacted […]
SRSLY Manchester students meet with Senators Stabenow and Peters
submitted by Scott Somerville, SRSLY Manchester parent Manchester eighth-grade students Miranda Austin, Emma Paxton and Meghan Somerville recently attended the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) National Leadership Forum from February 3-6 in Washington DC. CADCA’s National Leadership Forum is a 4-day conference with multiple youth-oriented opportunities to learn the latest strategies to fight substance […]
Good news on the school finance front
It is Kendra Lieb’s second year as Business Manager at Manchester Community Schools and it has been an eventful time for both the district and for Lieb personally. During her tenure the district has seen a very detailed (and somewhat nerve racking) audit, and ended last school year with a higher than anticipated fund balance. […]
US Rep. Tim Walberg holds Freedom Township coffee hour
Manchester’s US Representative Tim Walberg held a coffee hour Monday morning at Freedom Township Hall. It is his third Manchester coffee hour in a row held in Freedom Township. The coffee hour was announced Sunday morning on his website and by robo-calls and postcards before that to a number of constituents. One attendee, Kevin from […]
Manchester Schools to start before Labor Day next year
Manchester Community Schools (MCS) announced last week that the 2020-2021 school year will be starting before Labor Day. School districts have the ability to apply for a waiver from a 2006 pro-tourism state law restricting the ability of schools to start before Labor Day. This year, Washtenaw Intermediate School District applied for and received the […]
Organization seeks to bring MonkeyPlay to Manchester preschoolers
Editor’s note: Hutan for World Health plans to seek funding to bring MonkeyPlay to Manchester in 2021. submitted by Ruth Habrecht, president of Slither along the “rainbow jungle” like a snake. Balance on one leg like a flamingo. Sprint across the African savannah like a cheetah. Feel your heart pounding! All of this action […]
Donations now accepted at Worth Repeating
Submitted by Sharon Curtis, Worth Repeating Volunteer Donations are now being taken at Worth Repeating Wednesday through Saturday from 11 to 5, in preparation for the store opening on March 4th. The new location is at 110 E. Main Street, most recently the location of Steelegrafix. Items must be clean and in good usable condition. […]
Free tax preparation help through VITA available at CRC
submitted by Manchester Community Resource Center Free income tax preparation assistance is available to low-income Manchester Area taxpayers through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program. Managed locally through the United Way of Washtenaw County (UWWC), it is hosted in Manchester by the Community Resource Center located in Riverside Intermediate School, 710 East Main Street (entrance on […]
WCSO report: January 2020 police activity in Village of Manchester
Provided by the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office to the Village of Manchester. During the month of January there were 162 calls for service (including traffic stops). Deputies conducted 82 traffic stops during this time with 21 citations issued. Noteworthy events in Manchester Village during the month include: On January 7, deputies went to the 500 […]