Manchester Township Board Meeting – Feb 11, 2020
by Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps This article covers items most likely to be of interest to residents. See the board’s minutes of this meeting (which will be available prior to the next meeting) or contact board members for more details. Residents should consider attending a board meeting now and then to keep abreast of […]
Council hears public questions on city status
During the regular “Special Session on City Status” last Monday night, the Manchester Village Council received some feedback from the public. To start the discussion, Village President Pat Vailliencourt shared with Council that, “We are still waiting for an update from the State Boundary Commission, in response to their questions regarding consistent documentation of a […]
County Board of Commissioners opts not to dissolve Road Commission; instead explores adding members
The Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners (BOC) announced last fall that they were reviewing the governance structure of the Washtenaw County Road Commission. One option being considered was dissolving the Road Commission. That BOC has set that option aside, at least for now, and are focusing on other options. For the past 100 years, the […]
Manchester area residents asked to take broadband survey to correct inaccurate FCC map
Manchester area residents living in Manchester, Freedom, Sharon and Bridgewater Townships are being asked to help the Washtenaw County Broadband Taskforce better map broadband coverage by completing a short survey. The county studied broadband coverage for more than a year and at the end of 2018 released their findings which concluded that 18% of Manchester […]
Supers accepts award for integrative STEM
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) workers play a key role in the sustained growth of the world economy. Increasing science literacy and enabling a new generation of innovators, is a huge responsibility placed on educators today. STEM teaching and learning engages students to equip them with critical thinking, problem solving, creative and collaborative skills. […]
Adult Learners Institute announces classes for winter/spring
submitted by Joan Gaughan, Adult Learners Institute The holiday decorations have been put away, the kids’ toys have either been abandoned or broken or both, and your diet went south a long time ago but you didn’t. So what’s next? Winter ALI classes, of course! Beginning February 24, veteran instructors as well as exciting newcomers […]
Superintendents’ Association releases anti-racist commitment statement
submitted by the Washtenaw Intermediate School District After the recent occurrence of overtly racist incidents in Washtenaw County garnering national attention, the Washtenaw Superintendents’ Association (WSA) has issued a statement condemning these acts of racism and solidifying their commitment to anti-racism within all local public schools. WSA represents the superintendents of the Washtenaw Intermediate School […]
Grant to provide innovative play opportunities along shared use trails
The Manchester Village Parks Commission was the recipient of a unique grant that is designed to provide “free play” opportunities that will engage kids and adults as they traverse the shared use trail system through the village. The KaBOOM! Grant, funded in part by the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation, will provide $41,000 to […]
Manchester resident representing Watkins Lake State Park & County Preserve at Friends Group Summit
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is hosting a Volunteer and Friends Group Summit for the state parks in Roscommon, the first weekend in March. Manchester resident Janice Kessler will be attending as a representative for Watkins Lake State Park and County Preserve. She is working to form a Friends Group for Watkins Lake. She […]
Men’s Club hosts “skating” party
Although the weather didn’t cooperate for great ice skating, all those who attended the Men’s Club annual ice skating party at Wurster Park on Jan. 25 had a great time. There were hot dogs, cocoa, a bonfire, and lots of snowball fights, according to Men’s Club member Terris Ahrens. “The ice wasn’t great due to […]