
 Sara Swanson

Want a more vibrant downtown? Get involved!

At the January 20 Village Council meeting, Manchester businessman Jeff Fahey had requested to be on the agenda to make a presentation about the downtown business climate. Fahey, who is co-owner of the building that formerly housed the Manchester Pharmacy as well as the Dairy Queen/DD along the riverbank, along with a number of rental […]

 Marsha Chartrand

WCCD awards conservation recognition to area agriculture

Submitted by Kathleen Graddy The Washtenaw County Conservation District honored several local family farmers as well as conservation-based activities at its annual meeting last Thursday night. Bill and Mike VanRiper of Lima Township received the 2019 Conservation Farmer of the Year award. The brothers farm 640 acres of soy beans, alfalfa, corn and wheat, using […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest

submitted by Knights of Columbus Council #4354 On Saturday, Jan 25, Manchester K of C members hosted their annual Free Throw Contest. Brother knight, Mike Coltre, along with G.K. Randy Dieter were on hand to assist brother knight, Mark Ball. This year we had six participants. Five of the six contestants were winners, as most […]

 Sara Swanson

MASCC needs a cook!

submitted by Margaret Jacob, Manchester Area Senior Citizens Council, Inc. Who is missing from these photos? Diners have arrived. Our volunteers are ready to serve the guests. But, where is the Cook? Cindy Kemner has been working for us in that capacity since the first meal of January. However, Cindy needs a replacement by the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Worth Repeating seeks volunteers and more

The time is coming … Worth Repeating is facing a countdown to its opening day, March 4! The timeline has been established and the next volunteer meeting is set for 7 pm on Tuesday, Feb. 11, at 7 pm at the Kingsley-Jenter House, 302 E. Main Street. Invite your friends–all kinds of volunteers are needed! […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester needs a Community Center. Meanwhile, the Ackerson Building sits empty.

The Manchester Community Schools board of education began debating the closing of the Nellie Ackerson building, located at 410 City Road, in the spring of 2016. At the time, it held the district’s administrative services and preschool program, and it rented space to the Co-op Preschool and Manchester Community Resource Center. Over the summer of […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Wellness Coalition hosts successful health and wellness forum

submitted by Ray Berg, Manchester Wellness Coalition The Manchester Wellness Coalition (MWC), the Manchester Non-Profit Roundtable, and the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation jointly hosted a successful community health and wellness forum on Monday, January 13, at the Two Black Sheep Restaurant. Our goal was to educate interested community members on the ongoing Manchester Wellness Coalition […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester UMW donates to local senior citizens

submitted by Jody Sharrow, Manchester United Methodist Church For three years, the women at Manchester United Methodist Church have held a “Forgotten Christmas Sale” during their Christmas in the Village event and donated the profits to an area charity. The Manchester United Methodist Women (MUMW) gather used Christmas ornaments, decor and other holiday items and […]

 Marsha Chartrand

More Good News about Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café

Submitted by Ruth VanBogelen, Acorn Board of Directors The Winter Farmers Market has been open three days a week since November 1, 2019 and work continues to transition the store to Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café which will be open 70-90 hours a week. On Thursdays, the winter market is full of a wide selection […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Township Board Meeting – Jan 14, 2020

by Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps This is the first report of what we hope will be many about local township board meetings. We are still seeking volunteers to cover these meetings! If you are interested in joining the Community Reporter Corps email or call 734-328-1386. Manchester Township Board Meeting – Jan 14, 2020 All […]