
 Marsha Chartrand

Police blotter for November 2019

Noteworthy events in Manchester Village during the month of November include: On November 1, deputies were dispatched to the 200 block of E. Main Street for a check fraud. The business owner discovered that two business checks were created and cashed on their business account. The owner had two suspects, one being a 21-year-old female […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Senior holiday meal another success at Riverside

For more than 40 years now, the third and fourth grade classes of Manchester students have put on a dinner and holiday program to honor and entertain senior citizens of the Manchester community. “From the best of our current recollection, this started in the mid-1970s,” said Heidi Huber-Stein, who made a presentation at this year’s […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Giving tree at ONB helps 36 kids!

A total of 36 local children will receive gifts that they otherwise may not have gotten this Christmas, thanks to the generosity of customers of Old National Bank. This annual tradition has continued for 13 years, starting when the bank was part of United Bank & Trust. All gifts are given anonymously through the Manchester […]

 Sara Swanson

Why every senior should complete the census

submitted by the Manchester Community Resource Center

 Sara Swanson

Village waits for news from Lansing on cityhood

Village residents will soon receive a newsletter with the latest information about the process of Manchester becoming a city. “It is a long process!” is the basic message of the newsletter. Residents are asked to be aware that while a village-wide petition drive will likely take place after the first of the year, that is […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Men’s Club supports basketball program

The Manchester Men’s Club recently made a substantial donation to the Manchester Boys Basketball Program.  Coach Ahrens stopped by the club’s meeting to talk to the membership about this year’s team, the program’s past successes, and their plans for this year. He also highlighted their many needs: new uniforms, shot clocks, money for summer camp […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Christmas in the Village contest winners

One of the exciting parts of Manchester’s Christmas in the Village celebration is finding out “who won?” in all the contests–especially lighting and parade decorating and this year, the addition of a cookie contest and an Ugly Sweater contest! This year’s winners for residential Outdoor Decorating (Sponsored by Manchester True Value Hardware), are Rebecca Daugherty, […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester bird enthusiasts invited to help with Christmas Bird Count

submitted by Johanna Lentz, Lenawee Birders The National Audubon Society invites birdwatchers to participate in the longest-running community science survey, the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC). On December 14, 2019, birders and nature enthusiasts in Clinton and surrounding areas including Manchester, will take part in this tradition, many rising before dawn to participate. It […]

 Sara Swanson

2nd Annual Reindeer Trail Walk/Run results

Manchester High School Cross Country held their 2nd Annual Reindeer Trail Run/Walk Saturday during Christmas in the Village. The run/walk, utilizing the County’s Leonard Preserve, had a good turnout despite the cold weather. Angie Flint, one of the organizers, stated, ” We had a total of 135 runners! It was another successful year and we […]

 Sara Swanson

Petting zoo, animals in the parade, and more last-minute Christmas in the Village details

submitted by Jennifer Wojtowicz, Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce Here are some last minute details about Christmas in the village: Festival of Trees – Located in the alley. Be sure to vote for your favorite tree on Sat., Dec 7, 9 am-4 pm, by placing non-perishable donation under your chosen tree. Donations go to the […]