
 Marsha Chartrand

It’s definitely “worth” a retake

Sometimes, the most unusual things can spur on a movement. And so it is with a new effort under way in Manchester, to revive the former “Worth Repeating” charity resale shop and provide an opportunity for reviving the downtown, encouraging volunteerism, and giving a new avenue for community giving. “On October 26, I attended a […]

 Marsha Chartrand

‘Tis the Season for Preventing Flu

The Washtenaw County Health Department encourages everyone six months and older to get vaccinated against flu (influenza) before the holiday season. Sporadic cases of flu are being reported in Washtenaw County, and rates of illness typically increase during or after the December holidays. Good hand-washing, covering your cough, and staying away from others when sick […]

 Marsha Chartrand

WCSO report: October 2019 police activity in Village of Manchester

Newsworthy activity during the month of October, 2019, as provided by Sgt. Beth Gieske and Lt. Lisa King to the Village of Manchester On October 9, 2019 Deputies were dispatched to the 700 block of E. Main Street for a Malicious Destruction of Property. Two juveniles spray painted picnic tables and walls. The juveniles have […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Road work this week

Road work in the local area during this shortened work week will be limited to completing projects that may have been delayed by the snowfall earlier in November. In Bridgewater Township, Braun Road between Clinton and McCollum Roads will have daytime closures for limestone resurfacing. Also in Bridgewater, Fisk Road between Lima Center and McCollum […]

 Sara Swanson

Display at Historical Society Museum celebrates 100 years of American Legion Auxiliary

submitted by Rita Huber The Manchester American Legion #117, has set up a historical display at the Kingsley Center House celebrating the 100th year of the American Legion Auxiliary. Auxiliary members Jeannine Uphouse and Rita Huber, with the help of Sue Hansen LaRocque from the Historical Society, set up the display on November 11th, Veterans […]

 Sara Swanson

Boardwalk installed over wet area in Leonard Preserve

The Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation (WCPR) reported last week that they have installed a 150-foot rustic plank boardwalk at the Leonard Preserve to improve access through the low, wet areas surrounding the entrance. The entrance to the 259-acre nature preserve is off of Union Street, just outside the Village limits. The trail into the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

You CAN Make a Difference

Submitted by Shirley Disch We take it for granted. Clean, clear, cool water is at our fingertips and we don’t think a thing about it. How different would your life be if you had to walk a mile to draw your water for the day from a river that is shared with animals of all […]

 Sara Swanson

Local DAR Chapter holds 3rd Annual Famous Ladies Tea

submitted by Deborah Dushane, Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution The 3rd Annual Famous Ladies Tea was held on Sunday, November 10th at the General Croswell Tea Room in Adrian, Michigan.  This year the ladies of the Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, presented “Famous […]

 Sara Swanson

WCRC: Road work this week

Last Monday, Manchester received 10 inches of snow in a greater-than-predicted winter storm. The Washtenaw County Road Commission reported having used 3.1 million pounds of salt, 3,200 gallons of brine and 16+ hours of plowing just on Monday. Because of the winter storm that hit last week, the Washtenaw County Road Commission has extended the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Superintendent commits to preserving sledding at Klager

On Tuesday, November 5, many parents and staff were surprised and dismayed to see solar panels being installed on the Klager Elementary School “sledding hill.” In 2001-2002, when the school building was renovated and a new bus-only drive created on the north side of the school building, care was taken in the design phase to […]