Klager first graders paint WCRC plow
If you have driven by Klager Elementary School recently you may have noticed a painted plow in front. Once again, Klager was selected to participate in the Washtenaw County Road Commission’s (WCRC) Paint a Plow program. This year Kathy O’Mara and Ellen Supers’ first grade classes painted the plow, basing their artwork based on a […]
Do you have a skill you could teach?
As a fundraising for Acorn Farmers’ Market and Cafe, the non-profit fresh & local food market planning to open in Manchester in April 2020, the Winter Farmers Market which will be operating in the Acorn building, 327 West Main Street, plans to host classes on market days. Organizers are looking for people to volunteer to […]
SRSLY on Manchester students making tough decisions
submitted by Michaela Buckhannon, SRSLY Manchester Two thirds of Manchester Middle School and High School students have a best friend who is committed to being drug free. ~ Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth Survey (MiPHY 2018) Being drug free is only one of the many tough decisions teens face. Did you know there is a […]
WCRC road work this week
The Washtenaw County Road Commission will be gravel-resurfacing Arkona Rd in Bridgewater Township between US-12 and Abel Rd this coming week from October 28th through November 1st. This will result in daytime road closures.
Getting sassy in downtown Manchester
Kathy LaHaie is no stranger to the retail climate in Manchester. She has worked in a number of businesses around the village for many years, and after “retiring” from the local eye a few years ago when Worth Repeating closed its doors, she explored a variety of other options before making a decision: She was […]
It’s School Bus Safety Week
National School Bus Safety Week is upon us and Manchester’s school bus drivers want you to know that your school bus is the safest form of student transportation! Manchester’s bus drivers work hard to make sure that our students arrive at school (and back home) safely each day. They take pride in their jobs and […]
Cemetery building updates are complete
A new sign has been installed at the building at Oak Grove cemetery, thanks to the efforts of Barry Allen, who volunteered to help with the project. “When we started rehabbing the building, I took the sign down and took it to my garage,” Allen explained. “I spent a few days repainting it and dressing […]
WCSO: Red means stop
from the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office During the past 10 months the Sheriff’s Office has had an increase in school bus violations, specifically in Western Washtenaw County. The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office urges ALL Motorists to abide by the Law and Stop when the buses red lights and stop signs are activated. Together, we can […]
WCRC local road work this week
The Washtenaw County Road Commission will be replacing a culvert on Grossman Road in Manchester Township between Sandborn and Austin Roads this coming week. This will result in daytime road closures.
It’s good and it’s Green
Sherry Green, owner of All Thingz Green at 122 E. Main Street, has taken a different approach to her new retail shop. She is combining her two long-time passions, of health and photography, and creating one unique store where she is selling her popular nature photography and shots of downtown Manchester, both on canvas and […]