It’s official–park and trails are complete and open!
With a little pomp and circumstance among all the fun of a Manchester Third Thursday night, the Village of Manchester officially dedicated the River Raisin Park in a brief ceremony that acknowledged the many contributions that organizations and individuals gave to making this long-time local dream a reality. As the last days of summer wound […]
Manchester Won’t be a Food Desert – Winter Farmers Market Starts Nov. 1st
submitted by Ruth VanBogelen, Manchester Farmers Market The Manchester Farmers Market has another month of Thursday markets at ChiBro Park and then will move indoors for a Winters Farmers Market starting November 1st. But instead of just one afternoon a week, the Winter Farmers Market will be open Thursdays 3-7 pm, Fridays 3-7 pm and […]
Upgrades due for Manchester Wastewater Treatment Plant
At last Monday’s Manchester Village Council meeting, Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Supervisor Dan Geyer along with Ted Erickson from village engineers Process Results, presented an overview of the WWTP’s needs over the next 30 or so years. Geyer reviewed the significant capital improvements and maintenance projects made to the WWTP since 2010, at a cost […]
Council receives updates on city status
The topic of Manchester seeking to possibly become a city, rather than a village, at some point in the future, was again on the Village Council agenda last week. Village Manager Jeff Wallace reported on his meeting with the State Boundary Commission on September 10 and presented an updated “Home Rule City Incorporation Procedure” as […]
Thursday’s canoe sprint race results
Immediately following the River Raisin Riverfront Park dedication ceremony during Third Thursday last week, Manchester Canoe Race organizers held a sprint race to inaugurate the boat launch. They were unable to hold sprint races last spring during the canoe race because of rain, so they even had trophies available for last Thursday’s event. Pattie McCabe […]
Walk to School program off and running
It has been a great start to this year’s Walk to School program, coordinated by Klager teacher Kathy O’Mara. Up to 60 students in grades K-6 are walking to school multiple times per week, and many junior and senior high schoolers are being spotted along the way as well! “We are getting a great turnout […]
Local tour’s bus driver recognized by Firekeepers’ Casino
The Friends of Manchester casino group was pleasantly surprised when they arrived at Firekeepers’ Casino this month. Their bus driver, Mark Seibert, was selected as the casino’s “Driver of the Month,” receiving a framed certificate, a nice gift, and some cash money. Every other month, the Friends of Manchester group climbs aboard the Getaway Tours […]
Village Commissions need help
Village President Pat Vailliencourt is looking for a few good people. Due to recent resignations, the village is seeking residents to serve on the Village Planning Commission, the Village Parks Commission, and the Downtown Development Authority. Those who wish to serve on commissions may require special skills. For example, those on Village Planning Commission may […]
New program launched aimed at Washtenaw County caregivers
submitted by Rachael Dawson-Baglien Currently in the United States, 1 in 11 persons are age 65 and older, by 2050 that number will increase to 1 in 6. With this exponential growth comes an increased need for caregivers. Ahead of the Curve is an innovative new web-based program by Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County […]
A new grocery in Manchester–update from the DDA
submitted by Ray Berg, Manchester DDA In February, the Manchester Market closed due to the retirement of the owners, and the market building was listed for sale. The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) took on the project of recruiting a replacement full-service grocery store to fill a critical community need. The DDA developed a 10-page “site […]