Slow start to county mental health services in Manchester; clinic coming soon
In 2017 Washtenaw County passed an 8-year Public Safety and Mental Health Millage. Resources from the millage became available on January 1, 2019. One of the goals was to to provide mental health services to traditionally under-served areas of Washtenaw County, of which Manchester is one. How has this impacted the need for mental health […]
Help fill the blessing box
Manchester United Methodist Church’s blessing box, a small wooden box filled with shelf safe food located at the southeast corner of the church, is nearing its one-year anniversary. And so far it has been a success! Anyone can take things out whenever they need to, 24-hours a day, and anyone can fill it back up […]
Village Council makes response to attorney presentation on cityhood
Last Tuesday’s meeting of the Manchester Village Council, included a special session on City Status. Village President Pat Vailliencourt also was present a half-hour prior to the scheduled meeting in order to answer any questions from citizens. Although there were several visitors at the meeting, and time was allotted for questions, no questions were asked […]
K of C & St Marys donate school supplies to Klager Elementary
Luther C. Klager Elementary School received a large donation of back to school supplies last week from the Manchester Knights of Columbus, Fr. Edwin A. Fisher Council 4354 and St. Mary Catholic Church Manchester. Donations included pencils, paper, crayons, markers and tissues as well as sanitary wipes, pencil cases, folders and backpacks were collected as […]
Klager and Riverside fund-raiser begins
Along with the new school year, the Klager and Riverside PTO have started their “Fun Run” fund-raiser to bring in donations to help finance their year’s programming. “The Fun Run is a no-nonsense, health-centered event in which the kids from Riverside Intermediate and Klager Elementary raise pledge money, win a variety of prizes and participate […]
State Sen. Theis announces Veteran of the Year contest
Manchester’s State Sen. Lana Theis announced on Wednesday a Veteran of the Year contest hosted by her office. “The 22nd Senate District is blessed with many military veterans who continue to serve our communities with the same honor, courage and commitment that they did while in uniform,” said Theis. “I am looking forward to giving our vets […]
SRSLY on Manchester students & vaping
submitted by Sarah Schmidt, SRSLY Manchester Program Coordinator According to the 2018, Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth (MiPHY), two out of three (65.5%) Manchester High School students have not used a vape/e-cig in the past 30 days. 96% of Manchester Middle School students have not used a vape/e-cig in the past 30 days Did you […]
Help bank get a grant for a local school
Manchester’s Old Nation Bank branch is asking the community to help secure a $1,000 grant for a Manchester school. Old National Bank recently announced phase two of their Tools For Schools Grant Promotion, where up to $22,000 will be awarded to schools within Old National Bank communities. During the month of September, they will be […]
WCSO: Head up, phone down – bus safety tips
From the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office With school back in session, drivers should be extra cautious, especially in school zones and where kids are getting on or off the bus. Parents, whether your student is walking to school or riding the bus, remind them to be safe. Below are a few tips for drivers, parents, […]
Manchester Community Fair moving to August
The Manchester Community Fair, the longest continuous running annual event in the Manchester community, will return for the 76th year and is moving back to August. The Fair Board announced last week that in 2020 the fair will be held August 18th through August 22nd. Fair board president Steve Harvey stated, “A lot has changed […]