Conservation District seeks nominations for 2019 Awards
The Washtenaw County Conservation District is seeking nominations for their 2019 Conservation Awards. Do you know someone deserving? Consider nominating someone in one of the following categories: 2019 Small or Beginning Farmer of the Year (celebrating the efforts of small farmers with ten acres or less and/or beginning farmers in their first ten years of farming), […]
Two larcenies reported in Manchester
LOCK IT OR LOSE IT!! The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office strongly encourages residents, visitors, citizens, and students to lock their vehicles in order to prevent theft. Two incidences of Larceny from Auto were reported last week on July 13 in the Village of Manchester. In the 500 block of Emerald Glen Dr., two vehicles were […]
WCRC work this week
After all of the road work last week in Manchester and Sharon Townships, things will be calmer this week with the only work the Washtenaw County Road Commission will be doing in our area is gravel resurfacing on Sharon Hollow Road between Ely and Herman Roads in Manchester Township. The road work is scheduled to […]
Getting the full scoop on Manchester’s newest treats
After many scheduling and contractor issues this winter and spring, Jeff and Crystal Fahey are feeling nearly ready to get their new business under way. And what will it be called? A survey on Facebook this spring came up with a virtual tie between “Dutch Dairy” and “Dam Dairy,” so when the sign goes up […]
Bond proposal will help High Point School better accommodate student needs
So named because it is located at the “highest point” in Washtenaw County, High Point School’s mission has evolved significantly in its nearly 50-year history. Designed in 1972 and completed in 1975, the school originally served students with disabilities who had previously been in institutions. Students who attended High Point in the 1970s were physically, […]
River Raisin Park nears completion
Thanks to work by McLennan Landscape this past week, things at River Raisin Park are looking better by the day. Final landscaping, grass and tree planting, and cover on the steep hillside has brought the park one step closer to completion. The plaza area is completed and a plaque honoring the DuRussel family’s contribution has […]
5 Healthy Towns investing in Acorn Farmers Market, a summer kids camp & more!
submitted by Matt Pegouskie, 5 Healthy Towns Foundation 5 Healthy Towns Foundation (5HF) Board of Directors recently approved Manchester Wellness Coalition (MWC)’s eighth Comprehensive Wellness Plan. A total of 11 interventions were approved for funding, addressing a combination of Eating Better, Moving More, Connecting with Others in Healthy Ways and Avoiding Unhealthy Substances. MWC’s data […]
Donation promises prolific community benefits
When Dr. Dana Andrews of Andrews Family Chiropractic heard that a local couple wished to donate a rototiller a worthy Manchester community group, he jumped right on the task of locating an appropriate recipient. Quickly, he found Ruth VanBogelen, organizer of the Manchester Community and School Gardens. Ruth stopped out to the garden to accept […]
SRSLY Manchester hires program coordinator
Last week SRSLY Manchester announced the hiring of a new staff member: Sarah Schmidt, as program coordinator. In her new role, Schmidt’s responsibilities include assisting the SRSLY Manchester and SRSLY Dexter program directors with the assessment, implementation and evaluation of SRSLY activities and events in both communities. Schmidt earned her master’s degree in public health […]
Road closures west of the village this week
On Monday, July 15, 2019, the Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) will close two roads west of the Village for chip sealing–Sharon Valley Road between Prospect Hill Road and Sharon Hollow Road in Sharon Township and Austin Road between the County Line and the Village of Manchester in Manchester Township. WCRC states, “The roads are […]