Citizen’s Committee votes to recommend pursuing cityhood
The Village of Manchester Citizen’s Advisory Committee investigating cityhood held its final meeting on June 25th, and voted to recommend the Village pursue city status. Those present voted unanimously and the two absent members of the committee submitted letters of support. The Committee chair, Jim Keller, summarized their final report at the Village Council meeting […]
How to file a complaint about the post office
Read previous article about Post Office situation here. At a reader’s request, The Manchester Mirror is publishing these directions on how to contact the USPS to let them know what is going on at our local post office. This reader has spoken to supervisors at other post offices and what they suggested is that concerned […]
Road work this week
Other than the continuing work on resurfacing M-52 south of Manchester, the only road work in the Manchester area this week is an extension of last week’s work on Sharon Hollow Road due to weather, again. Sharon Hollow Road, between Ely and Herman roads in Manchester Township, will continue to experience intermittent lane closures due […]
2019 Fireworks a success; contribute now for 2020
Manchester’s Independence Day fireworks, paid for by the Manchester’s Mens Club, were successfully executed last Wednesday night. Austin Scott of the Mens Club stated, “It was a really great show! Huge thanks goes out to all the volunteers that helped from set-up to clean-up. Every year, we are able to put on such a great […]
Kiwanis Club votes to dissolve
At its general meeting held May 22, members of the Manchester Kiwanis Club voted to dissolve the club by September 30, 2019. Reasons cited included declining enrollment, and unsuccessful recruitment of new members to the club. “We currently have only 19 members,” said Anita Herman, a long-time member of Kiwanis. “Five of those are members […]
Road work for week of July 1
This week, only one local (county) road will be affected by road work, other than continuing work on resurfacing M-52 south of Manchester. On Sharon Hollow Road, between Ely and Herman roads in Manchester Township, the WCRC has extended its estimated completion date for intermittent lane closures due to drainage improvements, to July 4 due […]
“Fight the Bite”–County launches tick and mosquito surveillance program
This summer, the Washtenaw County Health Department will participate in the Vector-Borne Disease Surveillance and Prevention Program in collaboration with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). The Health Department will provide mosquito and tick monitoring data to MDHHS as part of a statewide system which helps communities to track and prepare for […]
SBAM Names State Rep. Donna Lasinski as Legislator of the Year
The Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM) last week honored state Rep. Donna Lasinki as its 2019 Legislator of the Year from the House Democratic Caucus. “Michigan’s small businesses have a hero in state Rep. Donna Lasinski,” said SBAM President Brian Calley. “She is a respected leader who takes a thoughtful and inclusive approach to […]
WISD seeks $53m bond to finance reconstruction at High Point School
A county-wide bond issue will be on the August 6 ballot for the Washtenaw Intermediate School District (WISD) to levy a bond that would finance a nearly-complete reconstruction of the 45 year old school that serves children and young adults with disabilities, from every district in the county. An estimated 0.37 mill increase in the […]
Magic in Manchester?
submitted by Sue Fielder, Manchester Area Garden Inspiration Club Oh yeah! The Manchester Area Garden Inspiration Club (MAGIC) has completed the Edwardian-style garden in front of the Kingsley-Jenter House, and we are on to our next projects. Look for the bright green shirts to see what these gardeners are up to next. You might be […]