WCSO warns, “lock it or lose it”
Following a rash of larcenies from vehicles in the past weeks, the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) strongly encourages all residents to routinely lock your vehicles to prevent theft when leaving them, even at home. Most items that were stolen were from unlocked cars. These incidents have been happening throughout the county; although no recent […]
Road work this week
Washtenaw County Road Commission has announced the re-opening of Hogan Road between M-52 and Logan on June 19, as culvert repair has been completed. This coming week’s road work includes ongoing projects in Manchester and Sharon Townships. Manchester Township: Sharon Hollow Road between Ely and Herman; intermittent lane closures currently scheduled to continue through 6/27 […]
2020 Historical Society calendar debuts
The 2020 Manchester Area Historical Society (MAHS) calendar is now available! For 36 years, the MAHS annual calendar has become a Manchester tradition. Since 1984, MAHS has produced an annual historical calendar, featuring some aspect of the history of the Manchester area, as a fundraiser for the society. Themes have included schools, the Civil War, railroads, […]
Seniors get a new bus
Last week, the Manchester Area Senior Citizens Council, Inc. (MASCC), took delivery of a new bus. The bus is used to deliver meals to shut-ins provided by the MASCC, to assist local seniors and other people with disabilities with medical transportation, and some entertainment trips for the seniors’ group. The new bus is built on […]
Alumni Association celebrates Class of 1969 and more
Submitted by Paul Heinrich, Manchester High School Alumni Association The 142nd Manchester High School Alumni Banquet was held on Saturday, June 15 at Manchester High School. About 170+ alumni and guests attended the banquet and represented classes from 1943 to 2019. Luther Westcott from the 2019 class led the gathering in the Pledge of Allegiance. […]
Garden Club creates flower bed at KJ House
Manchester resident Sybil Kolon looked at the post clock installed on the lawn in front of the Manchester Area Historical Society’s Kingsley-Jenter House last winter and thought it needed a garden to go with it. Early this spring, she organized multiple meetings and brand new Garden Club to do just that! Last week the Garden […]
Klager Elementary holds Community Leadership Day
The morning of Thursday, June 13th, the 2nd to last day of school, Luther C. Klager Elementary School hosted eight community organizations and businesses as part of Community Leadership Day. Community Leadership Day is a new event designed to bridge the Klager community with the Manchester community, as part of their continuing effort to become […]
Walkers win big prizes
With the end of the school year, Walk to School Wednesdays (and Mondays and Fridays!) have wrapped up for the summer. Walkers who have reached milestones had the opportunity to choose the prizes for which they wanted to be eligible. Each walker had his or her own punch card, and for every 10 punches they […]
Library kicks off Summer Reading Program
Manchester District Library’s Summer Reading Program started off with button-making, cookies, lemonade, and a magic show Friday afternoon. Kids of all ages, teens, and adults were able to sign up for the program which will run 6 weeks. Participants will read (or have read to them) specified amounts each week based on age and will […]
Summer road work continues
Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) has announced its planned road work for the week of June 17. Affected roads in the Manchester area include the following: Bridgewater Township: Hogan Road, which has been closed northwest of Wallace Road for a culvert replacement, has been reopened! Freedom Township: Parker Rd between Weber Rd and Pleasant Lake Rd. […]