
 Marsha Chartrand

“Underground” concert series starts in Manchester

Coming across a somewhat enigmatic Facebook post about an “Underground” music series starting in Manchester was enough to pique plenty of people’s interest to show up on Saturday night for a great night of acoustic music. “What do Muddy Waters, Doc Watson, Don McLean, Bruce Cockburn, Josh White Jr., Mose Allison, John Hartford, and Sonny […]

 Sara Swanson

Meals on Wheels now servicing all of Manchester

A year and a half ago, Manchester seniors south of the village were unable to receive Meals on Wheels because of a lack of drivers and instead could only receive shelf-safe food through the mail. Laura Seyfried, director of the Community Resource Center, reports that the Manchester area now has four part-time volunteer drivers and […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Road work this week: MDOT & WCRC working in Manchester

Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is planning to place an asphalt overlay on M-52 from US 12, just south of the Washtenaw/Lenawee County line, to Austin Road, beginning the week of May 20. Aaron Jenkins, Communications Representative for MDOT, said that there will be a single-course hot mixed asphalt overlay on 5.23 miles of highway, […]

 Sara Swanson

County expanding mental health services into Manchester

In November 2017, Manchester, along with the rest of the county, voted on a 8-year Public Safety and Mental Health Millage. It passed. Resources from the millage became available on January 1, 2019. After the millage passed, the county quickly put together a committee to make recommendations on how to best use the millage to […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Acorn Farmers’ Market and Cafe – An update on starting a non-profit fresh food store

Submitted by the Acorn Farmers’ Market & Cafe board Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café is an official non-profit business in the state of Michigan! The next step is to become a non-profit organization according to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The IRS Form 1023 has been assembled (28+ pages) and is almost ready to submit. […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Nostalgia and Future: Alumni association offers a look at both sides

Submitted by Paul Heinrich, President, MHS Alumni Association Recently the Manchester High School Alumni Association did an article on a 1969 Manchester graduate, Mike Ahrens. What usually happens then is an article is done about another outstanding graduate and this is no easy task because there are so many outstanding men and women who have […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Help shape the future of county parks in Manchester

The Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission (WCPRC) is holding a Master Plan Public Engagement meeting this week to share plans for future park development and gather ideas from the public for new park lands, particularly in the Manchester area. Every five years, the WCPRC undertakes a comprehensive planning process to develop a Recreation Master […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Searching for Manchester recipes

Attention, Manchester! We need your recipes! Do you have a tried and true recipe passed down through your family that you would love to share with other Manchester residents? If so, we need you! The Manchester Area Historical Society is hoping to assemble a cookbook and historical journal of recipes with a link to our […]

 Marsha Chartrand

ACES–All Children Exercise Simultaneously

The first Wednesday in May is All Children Exercise Simultaneously (ACES), and for many years Klager Elementary School has participated in this national program. They received an extra special surprise this year as part of their ACES program–the school was gifted with a check from Farm Bureau insurance agent, local resident, and most importantly, Klager […]

 Marsha Chartrand

April showers bring May flowers

Skies were cloudy and damp on May Day, but there were smiles on the faces of kids and adults alike who participated in Walk to School Wednesday, when they were presented with paper flowers provided by members of the Manchester Ladies Society, who joined in the Walk to School fun! This week, walkers and bike […]