New literacy center at the library for earliest readers
Karen Seghers of the Manchester District has created a new “Literacy center” in the youth area of the library. The literacy center is meant for parents and grandparents of pre-K and kindergarten-aged children to work together with their young learners to develop the skills needed for reading. The literacy center supplies are meant to be used […]
Free income tax preparation assistance is available to low-income Manchester taxpayers
Free income tax preparation assistance is available to low-income Manchester Area taxpayers through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program. Managed locally through the United Way of Washtenaw County (UWWC), it is hosted in Manchester by the Community Resource Center located in Riverside Intermediate School, 710 East Main Street (entrance on east side of building). VITA is […]
SRSLY youth meet with members of congress and First Lady Melania Trump at National Leadership Forum
Representatives from SRSLY have returned from Washington, D.C., where they joined approximately 2,800 substance abuse prevention specialists and advocates from throughout the country for Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America’s (CADCA) 29th Annual National Leadership Forum, held from Feb. 4 through 7, at the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center. With more than 430 youth in […]
Adiska Family Dental community outreach for Dental Health Awareness Month
Dr. Heather Adiska and Adiska Family Dental are reaching out to the community during February, which is Dental Health Awareness month. Through a variety of presentations to different groups, they are working to educate all ages, but Dr. Heather Adiska especially hopes to get the message out that the earlier children start seeing the dentist, […]
Literacy on the go!
submitted by Nick Steinmetz, Superintendent, Manchester Community Schools The Manchester Community Schools have district bus routes that cover 50+ miles. I don’t know about you, but that can be a long car ride for me at times! Recently, MCS parent, Lori Preis, came to the district with an idea. What if we put book bins on […]
Think spring! Manchester residents consider garden club
submitted by Sybil Kolon You may not have a green thumb, but a little knowledge and support could help you get off to a great start in your yard this spring. A meeting has been set for Thursday, Feb. 28 from 1-3 pm, at the Kingsley-Jenter house, 302 E. Main, Manchester, to explore establishing a garden […]
MCS bond refinancing saves taxpayers $273,064
submitted by Nick Steinmetz, Superintendent, Manchester Community Schools In 2009, the Manchester voters passed a School Building and Sites Bond. At the time of its issuance, interest rates ranged from 4.00% – 5.00%. During the November 19, 2018 Board of Education meeting, the Board approved a motion for MCS Business Manager Kendra Leib and myself, […]
MHS introducing peer mentoring program, Link Crew
Manchester High School recently announced that it has been awarded a grant by the Manchester Community Schools Foundation to bring in a new mentorship program to the school, Link Crew. Link Crew is a student leadership/mentor program designed to help younger students transition into high school. High school principal Eric McCalla explained that two teachers will […]
Annual Ice Skating Party a success
The Manchester Mens Club held their annual ice skating party in Wurster Park, Saturday afternoon. Austin Scott of the Mens Club stated, “The party went great. We had a good turnout and it was fun to see so many people enjoying the ice rink. There was a lot of hot chocolate drank and a lot […]
Watch D.O.G.S. program starting at Riverside
When Matt & Lisa Borders moved to Manchester with their family of five children in October 2017, they noticed immediately that one of their favorite programs from the kids’ prior district, in Macomb County, was not offered at Manchester Community Schools. So, they started trying to figure out a way to bring the program to their new hometown. […]