
 Marsha Chartrand

Village Council appoints cityhood study committee

At its January 7 meeting, the Manchester Village Council affirmed Village President Pat Vailliencourt’s selection of nine village citizens for a cityhood advisory committee. Those named to the committee include Denise Collins, Scott Dunsmore, Pat Fielder, Rick Finger, Jack Gould, James Keller, Leslie Kiesel, Carol LaRock, and Herb Mahony. Each member brings specific experiences and […]

 Sara Swanson

New email scam involving gift cards defrauding businesses

from The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office has taken several reports of a detailed Email SCAM for Businesses. The SCAM is as Follows: Unknown suspects send an email to an employee purporting to be their “Boss” requesting the employee purchase gift and/or Google cards for the company using a company credit […]

 Marsha Chartrand

No injuries in house fire

A structure fire in a multi-residence house located at 134 Adrian St, on the afternoon of Sunday, December 30, caused damage to the house but no injuries were reported. According to Manchester Township Fire Chief Bill Scully, “The first engine arrived to find flames visible from a second story window. The interior of the building was […]

 Sara Swanson

Take Off Pounds Sensibly – Manchester TOPS Chapter open to new members

submitted by Ruth VanBogelen, Manchester Wellness Coalition If you are ready to shed some pounds to get to and stay at a healthy weight, you are welcome to join the Manchester Chapter of TOPS – Take Off Pounds Sensibly. TOPS is a non-profit organization (70 years old) which helps local chapters operate a successful weight loss […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Wellness Coalition – Community input needed on health and wellness needs

by Ray Berg, Manchester Wellness Collation The Manchester Wellness Coalition is currently evaluating community health and wellness needs in preparing its annual Health and Wellness Plan. We are seeking community input and suggestions on possible programs and infrastructure for the Manchester area, as we enter our eighth year of planning and interventions in cooperation with […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Michigan Works! grants to help local businesses

Michigan Works! Southeast will receive more than $2.3 million from the Michigan Talent Investment agency to train workers at 67 companies in the region, including 22 companies in Washtenaw County; two of them in Manchester. The local recipient companies will train 84 employees, including  43 new hires and three United States Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeships.   The grant […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Township and Washtenaw County both release broadband reports

At the end of November, Manchester Township released its broadband study report looking at options for bringing broadband to the township. Ten days later, the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners Broadband Equity Sub-Committee released its final report. In summary, the County’s report states that broadband is important and rural Manchester residents need it. The Township’s report […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Village Council approves forming cityhood study committee

At its December 17 meeting, the Manchester Village Council again discussed the possibility of becoming a city and voted unanimously to establish a Citizens Advisory Committee to further investigate the process. Village President Pat Vailliencourt requested that all Council members submit names of a “diverse group” of nine members–who must be village residents–to her by […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Light from Bethlehem enhances Christmas traditions

An eternal flame (The Peace Light of Bethlehem) burns in the Nativity Grotto, Bethlehem, Israel where Jesus was born. For the past 30 years a Scout from Upper Austria fetches the International Peace Light from the nativity grotto in Bethlehem, at the site where Jesus was born. The light is then carried in two miners’ […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Promoted to Angel

Growing up across the street from Emanuel United Church of Christ, Klager teacher Kathy (Rose) O’Mara would watch the live nativity each year and dreamed of someday being able to participate as an angel. Each year, for many years, she was cast as a shepherd. This year, for the first time, she was able to portray an angel. It’s entirely appropriate […]