
 Marsha Chartrand

Welcome to David’s coat room

It was a random Facebook post that got Kim Blumenstein thinking about her last Christmas with her dad, David Gresham, in 1993. Kim was a college student and one of her friends came to visit during the holiday break. The friend did not have winter-appropriate attire to wear. Kim’s dad took her aside and insisted she […]

 Marsha Chartrand

“Grand opening” and ribbon cutting at American 1 Credit Union

There was a bit of fanfare happening at the new American 1 Credit Union on M-52 just north of the village, last Wednesday. Residents, business owners, Village representatives, and American 1 Board members gathered for an official “ribbon cutting” ceremony for Manchester’s newest business Outgoing Chamber of Commerce President Ray Berg shared that the ceremonial […]

 Sara Swanson

Old National Bank’s Giving Tree

Manchester has many opportunities at Christmas for residents to help others less fortunate than themselves in the community. If you feel like you can’t afford to adopt a family, or Toys for Tots is too broad of a field in which to purchase gifts, consider participating in Old National Bank’s giving tree!  The bank started […]

 Marsha Chartrand

DIY Luminaries on a Freedom Township hill

A luminary tradition that’s a bit different from the “official” Manchester version, but equally treasured by those who participate, started in 1991 on the hill on East Pleasant Lake Road, between Esch and Fletcher Roads. “It started with just a few tealight candles lit in the driveway,” says Dolores Lindemann, one of the originators with the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Sweet surprises in store at the new “Q”

There’s not a new name yet, and they are still working on the new menu. But Jeff and Crystal Fahey have been envisioning their new venture, formerly the Manchester Dairy Queen, ever since making their announcement this past summer, and they are getting excited to see results. It’s a historic moment on Main Street as work begins […]

 Sara Swanson

What would becoming a city mean for Village of Manchester residents?

Tonight, at the Manchester Village Council meeting at 7 pm at Village Hall, Village Manager Jeff Wallace will report to council members the results of his initial research into the process of becoming a city after the council voted unanimously at the last meeting to begin investigating the topic. As an incorporated village, the Village […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Luminaria Memories, from the Manchester Lions Club

Barry Allen, of the Manchester Lions Club, shared the club’s perspective on its 10-year involvement with this important community project. The club took over the Luminaria from the Historical Society back in 2008 “The MAHS had been doing the project for quite a number of years, using the Blacksmith Shop,” Allen recalls. “Their technique was labor intensive and […]

 Sara Swanson

First Annual Reindeer Trail Run results

The Manchester High School Cross Country Team’s first Annual Reindeer Trail Run through the Leonard Preserve on Saturday morning had 71 participants finish the 5K, 11 participants finish the 10K and 21 participants finish the 15K. The top finishers in each category were: 5K Women Maria Guadalupe Nieto 26:44  Ariana Thelen 28:11 Emma Shankland 28:23 Men […]

 Sara Swanson

2018 Christmas in the Village contest winners!

With 2018 Christmas in the Village coming to a close, organizers have announced the winners of this year’s contests! All photos courtesy of Christmas in the Village organizers. The Festival of Trees winner was the snowman tree sponsored by Linda Milkey, Realtor at the Charles Reinhart Co. and decorated by the Manchester Fair Queen. It received […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Photo: Fabulous Friday walkers finish November!