
 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester celebrates Homecoming with a parade

A chilly and rainy Friday afternoon could not dispel the Dutch spirit that had been building throughout the week at Manchester High School. A week filled with Spirit events based on a tropical theme elicited plenty of creativity from the students, said Student Council adviser Leslie Rollins. The results were as follows: fourth place, sophomores; […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Another success for National Walk to School Day

“It takes a village to make things happen,” says Kathy O’Mara, coordinator of the Walk to School program that runs every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from Wurster Park and Chi-Bro Park, encouraging students to walk to Klager and Riverside schools. The group has walked a total of 15 days, as of last Friday, and many […]

 Marsha Chartrand

SRSLY Manchester launches educational campaign

This fall, SRSLY Manchester launched its 2018 Positive Social Norms Campaign, “SRSLY? Check Your Stats,” to reduce feelings of peer pressure by challenging the myth that a majority of teens drink alcohol, use tobacco, smoke marijuana and abuse prescription medications. The campaign is intended to help teens feel less pressure to use drugs or alcohol […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Homecoming parade to make a return this Friday

It has been several years since Manchester High School has hosted a homecoming parade, but this once-popular tradition is making a comeback on Friday evening, October 12. To top off a very full Spirit Week and prepare for Friday night’s homecoming festivities, the parade will begin at 5 pm at the corner of Main and […]

 Sara Swanson

Chamber of Commerce changing formats

Do you know what the Chamber of Commerce does? Is it a government organization, a 501c3, or something else? Who can belong to it? Why is it important to Manchester? Manchester’s Chamber of Commerce is changing formats and with the format change comes the opportunity for everyone to find out the answers to these questions!  […]

 Sara Swanson

CRC has appointments available for Medicare & Health Insurance Marketplace enrollment

The Community Resource Center will be hosting the St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea insurance specialist here in its Manchester  office during the open enrollment periods for both Medicare and Marketplace. They will be scheduling application and enrollment assistance appointments on the following dates. For Medicare (over 65 years of age) Open Enrollment appointments are on Thursday, October 18, Thursday, […]

 Sara Swanson

WCRC road work in Freedom Township this week

In Freedom Township, Washtenaw County Road Commission will be gravel-resurfacing Ellsworth Road between Parker Road and Steinbach Road on October 10th. Pleasant Lake Road will have intermittent lane closure 1976 feet East of Schneider Road for guardrail installation starting on October 10th with an estimated completion date of October 19th. 

 Sara Swanson

CRC’s Seyfried travels to DC to represent food pantries in Michigan

A few weeks ago, Manchester had the honor of having a very special representative in Washington DC for 24 hours. On Wednesday, September 12, Laura Seyfried, director of the Community Resource Center was one of seven food pantry representatives from the state of Michigan invited to fly out to DC for a Farm Bill Fly-In […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Transformer work complete at Consumers substation in Village

After the completion of a new driveway and concrete pad over the past six weeks, the Consumers Energy transformer site on Territorial Street opposite Kirk Park is ready for some updates. Last week’s installation included a temporary portable transformer which can be used to continue power while repair or replacement is made on some of […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Eagle Scout creates storage shed for Farmers Market

Logan Luckhardt, a 16-year old Life Scout working toward his Eagle Scout rank, is now one step closer to his ultimate goal. “I joined Cub Scouts in first grade,” he says, “and I have been part of Scouting for 11 years.” When he first joined the Cub Scouts, Logan says he never thought much about […]