
 Sara Swanson

4 pieces of Mill art donated to CRC to be auctioned off

Correction, October 15, 2018: This article originally started that the two works of art by artist Nancy Feldkamp were original watercolors. Since then, Feldkamp has visited the CRC and identified the works as prints, not originals. The article has been updated with this correction.  One thing art can do is freeze a moment in time […]

 Sara Swanson

Teacher’s interest in architecture translates into learning opportunity for Klager students!

Klager Elementary School is trying something new this Fall. Each week, students will be able to spend time in an interest-based course that they have chosen. There will be three sessions of Innovation Hour and each one will run for 6 weeks. These sessions will be multi-age and school-wide and students will be placed in sessions […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Farmers Market asking for recipes

The Manchester Farmers Market is putting out a call for your favorite fall recipes featuring harvest season fruits and vegetables available at the farmers market, and also for holiday recipes. Laura Wohlgemuth, farmers market manager, stated, “You all have enjoyed our recipes throughout the summer so much that I’ve been inspired to create a Fall […]

 Sara Swanson

Library seeking patrons’ reviews of books

by Amelia Herron, Manchester District Library Have you ever read a book and loved it so much you wish you could scream it from the rooftops? Have you ever read a book and hated it so much that you wish you could tell everyone you know never to read it? Well whether you’ve felt the […]

 Sara Swanson

Art installation reflecting on what it means to be female in America coming to Manchester

In 1972, thirty female art students at the California Institute of Art transformed a dilapidated 17-room mansion into a groundbreaking feminist art installation known as Womanhouse. Forty-six years later, 26 female artists are responding with an installation of their own, and it is happening in Manchester! In February of this year, Laura Earle was finishing […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Road commission announces delay on Sharon Valley bridge

The detour on Sharon Valley Road between Lamb Road and Prospect Hill will probably be longer than originally anticipated. The bridge replacement where Sharon Valley crosses the River Raisin was scheduled for completion early next month, but on September 19, a note appeared on the Washtenaw County Road Commission’s (WCRC) blog: “Unfortunately, this week we have hit […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Fourth season of Blacksmith Shop concerts makes debut

Last Saturday, the historic Blacksmith Shop on Main Street hosted the first concert in its 2018-19 series, welcoming Jazz Manouche musicians “Harrington & Brown Quartet.” Jazz Manouche, also known as Gypsy Swing, came out of France in the 1920s and 30s and was popularized on both sides of the ocean by guitarist Django Reinhardt. Jazz Manouche groups […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Watch for pedestrians in crosswalks

Back to school season, combined with more pleasant temperatures and reduced humidity, have combined to bring out many walkers on village sidewalks. And, at some point in their walk, almost every pedestrians will need to cross the street to reach their destination. This can put a pedestrian of any age–but most especially school children–in danger from an […]

 Sara Swanson

County creates “How to Vote in Michigan” YouTube shorts aimed at young voters

The Washtenaw County Clerk/Register’s office is pleased to announce that the first of a four-part, nonpartisan video series designed to educate voters about the Michigan registration and voting process is now available on the County’s YouTube channel. The first part of this series is titled “How to Register to Vote in Michigan.” Other parts of the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Dredging complete, riverside park plans may be hitting a snag

After a dredging process that began in early July, the cranes and equipment left Manchester’s mill pond, just north of the Main Street bridge, mid-week last week. The completion of the dredging project clears the way for the construction phase of River Raisin Park. But last week’s bid opening for River Raisin Park development created […]