
 Sara Swanson

1 in 3 MHS students vape

The Washtenaw County Health Department reported last week that while less than 2% of Washtenaw County high school students reported smoking cigarettes in the past 30 days, according to the 2017-2018 Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth (MiPHY) more than 18% of Washtenaw County high school students were vaping during the past 30 days; an increase from […]

 Sara Swanson

American 1 Credit Union donates $1,300 to Mens Club

On September 6, American 1 Credit Union which is currently building a branch on the site of the demolished Republic Bank at at 10903 M-52, presented a gift of $1,300 to the Manchester Mens Club in recognition of their generous service to the Manchester community.  John Stedman of the Mens Club stated, “The Mens Club […]

 Sara Swanson

PTO now supporting 2 schools, kicks off Fun Run

The Klager Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) kicked off their annual fundraising Fun Run last Wednesday. The PTO’s Cassie Carpenter described the Fun Run, “The Fun Run is a no-nonsense, health centered event in which the kids from Riverside Intermediate and Klager Elementary raise pledge money, win a variety of prizes, and participate in an afternoon […]

 Sara Swanson

An unexpected school bus rider…

Manchester Community School Students may have an unexpected rider on their bus route the first couple weeks of school, Superintendent Nick Steinmetz! “I am riding the buses!” he stated. “I am doing this for a few reasons. First, what better way for me to learn the entire district than to see it from the buses. […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Walk to School in full swing this week

  A rainy beginning didn’t stop the Walk to School crew last week. On Monday, September 10, a dozen or so student walkers, plus teachers and volunteers, donned jackets, rain boots, a few gloves, and umbrellas to participate in the very first Walk to School day of the year. On Wednesday and Friday, the weather […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Zoning Board takes no action on Marathon remediation

After a lengthy public hearing on Wednesday night, the Manchester Village Council, acting as the Zoning Board of Appeals, decided to take no action on a request from SES Environmental of Fort Wayne, Indiana, (SES) to continue remediation of a gasoline spill that likely dates back to the 1970s, at 100 E. Main Street, the current site […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Destination Ann Arbor promotes Manchester activities

At last Wednesday’s Village Council meeting, Chad Wiebesick, VP of Marketing and Communication for Destination Ann Arbor (formerly the Washtenaw County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau) made a brief presentation to describe how the organization has promoted activities and events throughout the greater Ann Arbor area. Destination Ann Arbor is the sponsoring organization for the Community Tourism […]

 Sara Swanson

Some progress made this summer toward turning Ackerson Building into Community Center

Discussions of a possible Community Center located in the School District’s now-empty Nellie Ackerson Building are moving forward. Multiple meetings were held this summer with representatives from the School District, the Village of Manchester and the Community Resource Center. A public meeting on this topic is being held in conjunction with the next meeting of […]

 Fritz Swanson

Lasinski honors first responders at the state House of Representatives’ 9/11 ceremony

Last Thursday, the Michigan House of Representatives held its annual September 11th ceremony to commemorate those Michigan first responders lost in the line of duty during the past year, to honor those lost in the September 11th, 2001 terror attacks, and to recognize first responders serving in Michigan communities today. Manchester’s State Rep. Donna Lasinski hosted Carl […]

 Sara Swanson

How was Riverside’s first week of school?

With only months to repurpose the vacant Manchester Middle School into a school for 3rd through 6th graders and only weeks to move in after the State of Michigan approved the building for re-occupancy, you might think that Riverside Intermediate School’s first week would have been rough, but principal Gary Puhl says that other than spotty […]