Dredging of mill pond nears completion
The dredging of the mill pond on the north side of the Main Street bridge and dam is nearing completion this weekend. Depths are being checked this weekend and the Village projects that the remaining amount of riverbed to be cleared will be removed this week. The dredging is the first step in the creation of […]
Walk to School days will start Sept. 10
It’s back to school time! And the Walk to School crew is looking for new participants for the new school year. Walk to school days will begin next Monday, September 10. To start the year, meet up times will be the same as last year: Gazebo at 7:30 am and Chi-Bro at 7:45 am. In […]
Co-Op Preschool to take a year off
For more than 50 years, the Manchester Co-op Preschool has been a fixture in its young students’ lives. Hundreds of Manchester families have sent their children, grandchildren, and possibly even a few great-grandchildren to this learning center. Earlier this year, it was learned that the preschool’s home for the past decade, the Ackerson building, would […]
Freedom Township emergency planning conference well attended
submitted by Carol Westfall Almost 60 residents, emergency planning experts, energy company and fire department representatives, and township officials, participated in the August 25th safety planning conference held at Freedom Township Hall. Educational presentations and lively discussions filled the 3-hour conference, which was capped off by a walk-around tour to view the extensive modernization now […]
SRSLY celebrates 10 years
On August 15, at the historic Michigan Theater in downtown Ann Arbor, SRSLY Coalitions celebrated 10 years of empowering youth to live healthy, substance-free lives in Chelsea, Dexter, Stockbridge, and Manchester. Donors, volunteers and supporters of the organization attended a special celebration to recognize the difference the coalitions have made in the lives of young people […]
Crazy Ca$h Night seeks new sponsorship, more volunteers
For 19 years, the Kiwanis Club of Manchester has held the hugely popular Crazy Ca$h Night on the first Saturday in March. This successful fund-raiser has poured tons of money back into the Manchester community over the years–the schools, the library, the preschools, the athletic department, the Historical Society, and many, many more organizations. Last […]
Bird tests positive for West Nile virus in Washtenaw County
Last week the Washtenaw County Health Department reported that a crow found in the 48105 zip code has tested positive for West Nile virus on the same day as the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services confirmed eight human cases of West Nile virus in Michigan so far in 2018. The human cases include one resident of Berrien […]
Community Resource Center’s move to new location is complete!
After weeks of being “in between” locations, as of this morning, Monday, August 20, at 11:30 am, The Community Resource Center will be open for business at its new location, 710 E. Main Street, rooms 229/231 (at Riverside Intermediate School). There will be temporary yard signs out to help direct folks to the east side of […]
A look ahead to local elections on the November ballot
Now that we’ve come out of the August primary, we can look ahead to November’s election and at the multiple local elections of interest. While none of the townships are having elections, the Village council has three seats up this fall and three current council members (Cynthia Dresch, Marsha Chartrand, and Amelia Woods) running […]
Art Kettle calls for entries for first event
The Art Kettle, Manchester’s new Community Cultural Center and Artist Residency located at 121 West Main Street, has put out a call for entries from artists and makers with ties to Manchester for its opening show, Manchester Ties. Owner Laura Earle explained, “As you may have noticed, there’s been a great deal of activity at the […]