Henzie Road to remain closed this week
While Henzie Road over Iron Creek in Manchester Township was expected to be reopened last week after the culvert replacement was completed, Henzie Road between Bowens and Burtless Roads will continue to remain closed while the Washtenaw County Road Commission restores the stream.
65th Chicken Broil & 3rd Thursday event successes!
The 65th Chicken Broil came to a successful conclusion Thursday evening with a total of 7,811 meals served, up from 7,551 meals served last year. The weather cooperated this year and instead of temperatures over 100 degrees F or thunderstorms, the day was a pleasant and sunny with a high of 83F. Co-chairman Michael Tindall […]
Van Tuyle Rd to close for culvert replacement
The Washtenaw County Road Commission has been busy replacing culverts in the Manchester area this summer! The next culvert they are replacing is under Van Tuyle Rd in Manchester Township. Van Tuyle Road between Lemm Rd and Bowens is scheduled to close for the culvert replacement on Tuesday, July 24th and to reopen by August 10th. The culvert […]
Mill pond dredging set to begin this week
Setup for the dredging of the Manchester Mill Pond is set to begin the week of July 16. Fencing and markers are in place and this phase of the River Raisin Park development will make the area more accommodating to canoe and kayak landing, which is part of the future plans for this village park. […]
New tri-county effort to control invasive species
In March of this year, the Jackson, Lenawee, and Washtenaw tri-county region saw the establishment of the Jackson-Lenawee-Washtenaw Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (JLW CISMA). According to the Department of Natural Resources, invasive species are those that are not native and whose introduction causes harm, or are likely to cause harm, to Michigan’s economy, environment, […]
Manchester man arraigned on child pornography charges
MLive reported last week that a 22-year old Manchester man, Tyler Weber, was arraigned Thursday, July 5 on multiple child pornography charges and that he faces up to 20 years in prison on those charges. The site also reported he is currently free on a $10,000 personal recognizance bond. Weber is a village resident and 2014 graduate of Manchester High […]
Manchester Township continues to explore broadband options
Amid all the controversies about the topic of broadband internet service to rural Manchester Township, the township board is waiting to learn the results of its commissioned feasibility study by Communications Consulting Goup (CCG). Meanwhile, a small subcommittee, along with other members of the board, continues to supplement the study by exploring a variety of […]
Freedom Childcare Center announces vacation bible school and new fitness program
Now in their 6th year, Freedom Childcare Center, located at 8753 Pleasant Lake Road, is a program of St. Thomas Lutheran Church also in Freedom Township. They’ve recently announced that on Saturday July 28th, from 9am to 11:30pm they will be holding a Vacation Bible School program for children ages 4 to 11 on the […]
Gazebo concerts take a two-week break
There will be no gazebo concert this Thursday, July 12, or next Thursday, July 19, due to two other long-standing Manchester traditions: The Manchester Community Fair (July 10-14) and the Manchester Chicken Broil (July 19). Both events normally incorporate entertainment at Alumni Field in the evening. The next concert in the Gazebo series for 2018 […]
Seniors can sign up for Senior Market Bucks at Farmers Market this week
On Thursday, July 12, 2018 from 3:30 to 5 p.m., St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea along with the Washtenaw County Health Department will attend the Manchester Farmers Market located in Chi Bro Park to begin registering people for this year’s Senior Market Bucks and Senior Project FRESH programs. Both programs were developed to encourage local seniors […]