
 Sara Swanson

Henzie Road closing for culvert replacement

Washtenaw County Road Commision has announced that Henzie Road in Manchester township will be closed for a culvert replacement between Burtless Rd and English Road starting Tuesday, July 10th and is scheduled to be closed for about 10 days. Sharon Valley Road between Propect Hill Road and Lamb Road in Sharon Township will continue to […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Riverfolk’s String Camps welcome adults and children

Now in its seventh year, Cultural Art Strings finished its season of day camps with performances at the end of each week (June 18-29) for parents and friends at Sharon Mills County Park. Each performance featured Beginning Guitars, Beginning Violin and Cello, and Intermediate Strings, all showing off their new skills learned on their instruments. For […]

 Sara Swanson

New library drop box at Fredonia Grocery

The Manchester District Library serves Manchester Township, Bridgewater Township and Freedom Township. The library had a dropbox for returning books outside of Fredonia Grocery located at 11515 East Pleasant Lake Road in Freedom Township but the box had gotten old and rusty. The library replaced it with this shiny new box, primed and painted by […]

 Sara Swanson

Stay out of the heat

With the high heat we’ve been experiencing, no air-conditioning can lead to heat illnesses, especially for those doing strenuous activity, the elderly, and those with pre-existing conditions. Drink plenty of fluids and stay out of the sun. If at all possible, stay in air-conditioned rooms during the hottest parts of the day. Don’t have air-conditioning? […]

 Sara Swanson

Local fairs team up this year for “Around the Fairs in 55 Days”

The Manchester Community Fair, Chelsea Community Fair, and Saline Community Fair have teamed up this year to offer a new event for 2018 – Around the Fairs in 55 Days. Visit at least two of these three fairs in Washtenaw County and turn in your passport at the Chelsea Community Fair or Saline Community Fair, and […]

 Sara Swanson

Sharon Valley Road to close for bridge replacement

Today, Monday, July 2, 2018, a contractor for the Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRCC) will CLOSE Sharon Valley Road between Prospect Hill Road and Lamb Road in Sharon Township to replace the bridge over the River Raisin. The road will be closed to all traffic during the bridge replacement project. The WCRC expects the work […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Could Manchester be Washtenaw County’s next city?

On Monday, June 18, Manchester Village Council convened for its regular meeting after announcing a “special public participation” would be held to discuss the topic of Broadband. In its Summer newsletter, an announcement was posted, “The Village will hold a special public participation during its June 18th meeting to hear comments regarding Manchester Township’s plan to […]

 Marsha Chartrand

The Art Kettle heats up in Manchester

On Monday, June 18, the Village Council unanimously welcomed The Art Kettle as Manchester’s new Community Cultural Center and Artist Residency. Owners Rich and Laura Earle envision a place where people can gather, learn new creative skills, share their work with the community, and inspire one another through visual, literary and performing arts. The Art […]

 Sara Swanson

Exhale Yoga moving to new location

Exhale Yoga, which opened its doors almost exactly two years ago is moving out of the old bakery storefront on Main Street and into a new location at the Mill. The grand opening will be July 8th, from noon to 4 pm, followed by a free community class at 4:30 pm, accompanied with live music provided by […]

 Sara Swanson

Limestone resurfacing and bridge repair

The Washtenaw County Road Commission has published its notifications of road closures and repairs for the coming weeks.  In Bridgewater Township, McCollum Road, Burmeister Road, and Kaiser Road, from Braun to Austin, will continue to be affected by limestone resurfacing until July 1st.  Limestone resurfacing was scheduled to begin yesterday on Ernst Road between Austin […]