
 Marsha Chartrand

Michigan Supreme Court denies appeal of Dexter Wellness Center’s tax exemption

The Michigan Supreme Court issued its order Wednesday, June 20, 2018, denying the City of Dexter’s appeal of the Michigan Court of Appeals decision, which upheld the property tax exemption on the Dexter Wellness Center, hopefully bringing an end to the City of Dexter’s protracted challenge of the exempt status of the Wellness Center. “Despite […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Kids Entering Preschool or Kindergarten? Schedule Mandatory Hearing and Vision Screenings

All children starting kindergarten or preschool must have their hearing and vision tested before starting school. The Washtenaw County Health Department offers free office appointments throughout the summer. Call 734-544-6786 to schedule. “Young children and their parents may not realize they have a hearing or vision problem,” says Deborah Thompson, lead hearing and vision technician […]

 Sara Swanson

Klager 4th graders create poppy posters for the American Legion Auxiliary

The American Legion Auxiliary of Manchester has been collaborating with Klager Elementary School’s fourth graders on the Poppy Poster Contest for 20 years. This collaboration started when Mary Smith, who was the representative for the Legion at the time, approached the new art teacher, Carrie Resh. Resh stated, “This has become a yearly tradition and a […]

 Marsha Chartrand

More than 60 local scholarships awarded to Class of 2018

Manchester High School is fortunate to have a generous community sponsoring a variety of local scholarships. This year, 62 graduating seniors from the Class of 2018 were recipients of a local scholarship. (Some students received multiple awards.) The Austin Fuller Memorial Scholarship was presented to Hannah McCaffrey; recipients of the Barry and Peggy Allen Vocational Scholarships were […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Local road repairs for the week of June 18

The Washtenaw County Road Commission has published its notifications of road closures and repairs for the coming weeks. In Bridgewater Township, McCollum Road, Burmeister Road, and Kaiser Road, from Braun to Austin, will be affected by limestone resurfacing from June 18-July 1. Intermittent lane closures may affect travelers on those routes. Ongoing work in Bridgewater […]

 Fritz Swanson

Village and Township Boards disagree about broadband

On Wednesday June 13th, the boards of the Village of Manchester and the Township of Manchester held a joint meeting from 7 to 9 pm in the media center of the Manchester High School. The Village Board requested the joint meeting so that they and the township board could discuss the township’s plans to study a […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Walk to School ends year with big prizes and big fun

An exciting end to the school year included many of the regular Walk to School crowd as recipients of some of the fabulous prizes designed to keep kids moving throughout the summer and into next school year! Kathy O’Mara, coordinator for the program, said that a total of 73 kids got a chance to take […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester High School Alumni Hold 141st Annual Banquet

Submitted by Carol Westfall The Manchester High School (MHS) Alumni Banquet was held Saturday, June 16, 2018, in the MHS Commons and attended by almost 200 alumni and guests. At least 30 classes were represented, from as far back as the Class of 1943 to this year’s graduating Class of 2018. Ava Sharrow-Ducsay (Class of […]

 Sara Swanson

Instagramming teens bitten by raccoon in front of school

Last Friday was a half day and the last day of the school year, dismissing just before noon. In the midst of the raucous end of the school year dismissal at Klager Elementary, an unusual incident occurred. Jennifer Mayes, principal of Klager Elementary School, explained a group of Middle School and High School students were […]

 Fritz Swanson

Manchester High School class 2018 graduates!

Sunday afternoon, Manchester High School’s class of 2018 graduated. Class Valedictorian was Derek Brickley. Salutatorian was Claudia Pierce. Graduates are as follows: Dominic David Bargardi Jamie Albert Beck Blake Robert Belaire Kurtis Robert Blumenauer Derek Roberto Brickley Sirona Bree Brower Sedona Rae Brown Cole Robert Bruestle Brennan Michael Stephan Carson Cozette Jean Cecconie Alexander Michael Clark Noah Matthew […]