Manchester Co-op Preschool moving to Main Street
The Manchester Co-op Preschool announced recently that it has found a new location as the Ackerson building which has been its home for years is closing. For the first time in their long history, they will be moving into their own free-standing structure, a building at 327 West Main Street mostly recently operated as Sweet […]
Road work scheduled in Bridgewater Township
The Washtenaw County Road Commission has announced its road work schedule for this week, which includes intermittent lane closures on Austin Road between Clinton and Parker Roads, for pavement repair. There will be no detour set as the repairs will be done while the road is still open. Work is set for completion during the week […]
Village street work set to begin this summer
It’s no secret that there are some pretty badly deteriorated streets in the Village of Manchester. Over the years, village administration has kept a list of streets, prioritized by condition. The list is updated annually. Those in the worst condition are placed on the list for repair and replacement. Local street funds have suffered in Manchester, like in […]
Masonic Veterans honored with coin
The evening of Saturday April 21st, eight Masonic Lodges met at Tecumseh Masonic Lodge #69 for dinner, fellowship and to receive coins developed by the Grand Lodge of Michigan to honor members for their service to the country. Manchester #18, along with Clinton #175, Tecumseh #69, Brooklyn #169, Palmyra #184, Chelsea #159, Stockbridge #130 and Cement […]
Deadlocked Manchester Township Board vote leaves fate of island VRBO uncertain
At the May 8th meeting of the Manchester Township Board, Trustee and Zoning Inspector Carl Macomber moved that the board go ahead with a lawsuit to stop rentals on AshKay Island in Iron Mill Lake. Carl Macomber, John Seefeld and Gene Derossett all voted in favor of going forward with the lawsuit. Ron Milkey, Lisa […]
Psarouthakis applauds high voter turnout for broadband vote
Sharon Township supervisor Peter Psarouthakis couldn’t be happier with Sharon Township voters last Tuesday. Township residents voted no to a broadband measure that would have borrowed up to $4,900,000 to be paid back over 20 years by 597 “No” to 319 “Yes.” Sharon Township’s 60.62% voter turnout was the highest in Washtenaw County for this election. He explained how […]
Manchester Township releases FAQ regarding Broadband Initiative
Do you have questions about the broadband initiative in Manchester Township? You can view the Manchester Township Broadband Initiative as a PDF on the township website or read the text in its entirety: What is the Manchester Township Broadband Initiative? Citizens of Manchester Township have asked the Manchester Township board to address the lack of broadband coverage […]
Klager’s First Lego League Robotics team wins Core Values Award at competition
Saturday, May 12th, seven Klager Elementary students competed in the First Lego League Robotics Competition in Brighton. During this, their rookie season, Lila Harvey, Olivia Scheil, Avery Popejoy, Oliver Bushaw, Mason Meyer, Nolan Shepard and Joshua Gregory, coached by Nicholas Diggs and Sara Scheil, had been working over the past few months on programming a robot […]
Sharon Township votes down broadband proposal
Today Sharon Township voted on and decisively rejected a Broadband Bond Proposal that would have borrowed up to $4,900,000 to be paid back over 20 years and would have run fiber optic cable to every house in the township allowing every resident access to broadband internet. The thoroughly debated measure failed 597 No (65.17%) to […]
“Decided” Day at MHS
Manchester High School holds an annual “Decision Day,” where senior classmates celebrate EVERY post-secondary decision. “It is this school’s goal to help 100% of their graduates determine a plan after high school, whether it be community college, university, trade school, the military, an apprenticeship, or the work force,” said Hollie Kolcz, school counselor. “Every senior […]