
 Sara Swanson

School District takes out $3.1 million energy efficiency improvements loan

In addition to the new building configuration, at the Tuesday night special school board meeting, the school board voted to take out a $3.1 million government loan at 1.25% with 15-year financing to upgrade the district’s energy efficiency. The district applied for the Qualified Zone Academy Bond through the U.S.Department of Education just before Christmas […]

 Sara Swanson

Ackerson building & Alumni Field to close; Community Resource Center and Co-op Preschool to relocate

As part of the building configuration decision on which the school board voted last Tuesday, the school board decided to close the Nellie Ackerson building located at 410 City Road and discontinue the district’s use of Alumni field, located adjacent to the Ackerson building. Although no vote was taken beyond closing Ackerson and Alumni Field, […]

 Sara Swanson

School board changes course on public engagement strategy

The decision to re-configure the school district buildings has actually been an ongoing conversation for more than two years. In January 2016, a board-appointed committee composed of teachers, support staff, parents, students, community members, and administrators met to study how to shrink district costs through more efficient building use. The committee met multiple times and by March 2016 decided […]

 Sara Swanson

Special technology helping Manchester students with reading & writing disabilities

Lots of technical options exist for students with reading or writing deficits.  Some are easy to learn and work well with existing technology in the district. Co:Writer is one of these technologies, and recently the Manchester Community Schools Foundation was able to provide a grant to supply seven students in the Manchester School district a trial […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Fabulous Fridays start at Klager!

The intrepid walk to school crews, headed up by Klager teacher Kathy O’Mara, have started a third day per week of walking to school. Now known as “Fabulous Fridays,” the crew meets at Chi-Bro Park only at 7:45 am for an invigorating walk up the hill to Klager. A small but sturdy group also celebrated […]

 Sara Swanson

Free tax prep at the CRC for low-income tax payers

Free tax preparation assistance is available at the Community Resource Center here in Manchester, to low-income Washtenaw County taxpayers through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program. Managed through the United Way of Washtenaw County (UWWC), VITA is a national IRS program providing free tax preparation for individuals and families making $54,000 or less, persons with […]

 Sara Swanson

St. Mary’s Fish Fries are returning after 10-year hiatus!

For many years, Manchester’s St. Mary Catholic Church held a regionally famous Lenten fish fry every Friday at the parish center. But because of outdated equipment, the events eventually were discontinued. Now, after a 10-year hiatus, they are returning! Enjoy a delicious fish dinner each Friday in Lent (with the exception of Good Friday) from February 16 […]

 Fritz Swanson

Manchester Township Board one step closer to bringing broadband

On Tuesday, January 10th 2018, the Manchester Township Board voted unanimously to seek bids from companies who would perform a feasibility study regarding delivering broadband internet to the entire township and village. A feasibility study will establish how much it will cost to build a broadband network, how much the network will cost to run, […]

 Sara Swanson

Girl Scout cookie sales have started & feature new cookie, the S’more!

Are you a fan of Girl Scout cookies? Good news! Girl Scout Cookie sales have started in the Manchester area, and this year there is a new kind of cookie, S’mores. S’mores feature crunchy graham cookies filled with a layer of chocolate and a layer of marshmallow-flavored filling based on the popular campfire snack invented by Girl […]

 Sara Swanson

Second student gun threat a ploy for another day off from school

The Manchester community took to social media early last Monday morning in concern and confusion when information began to spread from parent to parent that there had been a threat of violence involving guns made by a student over the internet Sunday night. This was the second threat of this type in two months in the […]